Pregnancy spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is the most normal sign of pregnancy. Though women tend to worry about the spotting found in vaginal areas, medical professionals advise them not to worry about the condition. Chances of vaginal spotting to appear vary from seven weeks of pregnancy to nine weeks. This vaginal spotting results from the implantation of the embryo in the lining of the uterus. This type of bleeding, which is also an early sign of pregnancy is termed as implantation bleeding. Mild spotting or bleeding from the vagina is not something to be worried about and you need not seek the help of doctors. However, when the bleeding seems to be heavy and accompanies cramping abdominal pain, please your doctor immediately.
Pregnancy spotting is one of the most common pregnancy complications that can occur during the first trimester. Stay calm and do not panic, it is however recommended that you consult your healthcare practitioner. The bleeding may be red, brownish or dark brown in color. They may not be a cause for concern as long as there are no other symptoms such as clots, cramps, fever, chills and dizziness. If you see that the spotting worsens and you need to use a tampon or a sanitary pad it is best to consult your physician without delay.
Causes of Spotting
Increased Blood Supply To the Cervix. The increased blood supply to the primary internal genital organs of pregnant women. This increase blood supply may leak out to the linings of the cervix and, in turn, causes scant bleeding.
This is also caused by after-effect of Pap smear examination, sexual intercourse or any internal activity which destroy the internal linings of the cervix. For implant patients, several episodes of spotting is expected during the first week of the fertilization.
Normal Pregnancy Spotting And Its Reasons,
Normal spotting can occur any time during your pregnancy, however in most cases it generally happens during the first trimester. If vaginal spotting occurs after conception, it can be due to the implantation of an egg in the uterus. This bleeding or spotting is lighter than the routine menstrual period and usually occurs after ovulation. The color of this blood is light pink.
Bleeding can also happen in the late stages of pregnancy, and again this is not your period. The cause for this bleeding are may be a mischarge of even a stillborn. Even as a women advances in her pregnancy, the risk of loosing her baby or giving birth to a dead child still exist.The bleeding may also be accompanied by cramps or contractions. It is imperative that you see a doctor, especially if you are bleeding heavily.
When the pregnancy spotting occurs during the second or third trimester it can mean trouble or indicate an impending miscarriage. The spotting can be a sign of pregnancy complications such as placenta pervia when the placenta is attached to the lower part of the uterus obstructing the cervical opening, placental abruption when the placenta separates from the uterus etc. Such complications may lead to a miscarriage or a pre-term labor.
During the third trimester of pregnancy, spotting is also serious because it could mean you have a condition known as placenta previa. The doctor will make sure you have a complete examination and ultrasound to determine the position of the placenta and to make sure it has not detached from the lining of the womb. In some cases, the doctor can help to prolong the pregnancy so that you carry the baby until its vital organs are fully developed by admitting you to the hospital. If you are far enough along, you may need to deliver the baby right away by means of a Caesarean section. Spotting after the 37th week of pregnancy is quite normal because it is a sign that the baby is about to be born. Babies born at this stage are full term.
Pregnancy spotting is one of the most common pregnancy complications that can occur during the first trimester. Stay calm and do not panic, it is however recommended that you consult your healthcare practitioner. The bleeding may be red, brownish or dark brown in color. They may not be a cause for concern as long as there are no other symptoms such as clots, cramps, fever, chills and dizziness. If you see that the spotting worsens and you need to use a tampon or a sanitary pad it is best to consult your physician without delay.
Causes of Spotting
Increased Blood Supply To the Cervix. The increased blood supply to the primary internal genital organs of pregnant women. This increase blood supply may leak out to the linings of the cervix and, in turn, causes scant bleeding.
This is also caused by after-effect of Pap smear examination, sexual intercourse or any internal activity which destroy the internal linings of the cervix. For implant patients, several episodes of spotting is expected during the first week of the fertilization.
Normal Pregnancy Spotting And Its Reasons,
Normal spotting can occur any time during your pregnancy, however in most cases it generally happens during the first trimester. If vaginal spotting occurs after conception, it can be due to the implantation of an egg in the uterus. This bleeding or spotting is lighter than the routine menstrual period and usually occurs after ovulation. The color of this blood is light pink.
Bleeding can also happen in the late stages of pregnancy, and again this is not your period. The cause for this bleeding are may be a mischarge of even a stillborn. Even as a women advances in her pregnancy, the risk of loosing her baby or giving birth to a dead child still exist.The bleeding may also be accompanied by cramps or contractions. It is imperative that you see a doctor, especially if you are bleeding heavily.
When the pregnancy spotting occurs during the second or third trimester it can mean trouble or indicate an impending miscarriage. The spotting can be a sign of pregnancy complications such as placenta pervia when the placenta is attached to the lower part of the uterus obstructing the cervical opening, placental abruption when the placenta separates from the uterus etc. Such complications may lead to a miscarriage or a pre-term labor.
During the third trimester of pregnancy, spotting is also serious because it could mean you have a condition known as placenta previa. The doctor will make sure you have a complete examination and ultrasound to determine the position of the placenta and to make sure it has not detached from the lining of the womb. In some cases, the doctor can help to prolong the pregnancy so that you carry the baby until its vital organs are fully developed by admitting you to the hospital. If you are far enough along, you may need to deliver the baby right away by means of a Caesarean section. Spotting after the 37th week of pregnancy is quite normal because it is a sign that the baby is about to be born. Babies born at this stage are full term.