Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Natural Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection - 6 Popular Remedies

Most people are very hesitant to seek for medical advices because of financial consideration so they rather opt for the natural means of curing themselves. But this is not just the reason why most people preferred such methods. Natural treatments are safe and easy. One of the most common examples would be the natural remedies for urinary tract infection.

Urinary tract infection or UTI happens when bacteria contaminate the bladder and kidney and proliferate in urine. Naturally, excess wastes from our body aside from salts and various forms of fluids are excreted through urine but with the presence of bacteria, expect UTI to occur.

Such bacterial infection would be accompanied with the experience of frequent and painful urination that causes so much discomfort and great annoyance. So once you experience such manifestation plus the evidence of cloudy and awful smelling urine, here are the most popular natural remedies for urinary tract infection:

1. Flushing out of bacteria through urine is achievable by drinking a lot of fluids especially water for eight to ten glasses per day is the usual recommendation.

2. Most people drink cranberry juice as it lowers the occurrence of urinary tract infection because it binds directly with bacteria so these can be excreted from the body through urinating.

3. An alternative would be lemon juice for immediate UTI relief as this will treat the infection directly. Squeeze a whole lemon into a glass of water, hot or cold, and sip away. Lemon flushes the infection because it rids impurities in our bodies and eliminates the source of bacteria.

4. An alternative for lemon would be drinking cranberry juice that will give the same results. Cranberry juice works similarly to lemon water but it also binds to the bacteria directly and then flushes it out in the form of urine.

5. Drinking tea is another option. Hot or cold tea gets rid of the infection and at the same it soothes and calms the body as well. Within a few days, you will notice a big difference.

6. The last alternative would be the baking soda mixture. Just mix the baking soda with some water and then drink it down that way. Baking soda is converted into urine and will pass right through the source of infection. Baking soda also aids in changing the pH level of urine that will treat some of the infection.

These fluids are the most common natural remedies for urinary infection. They effectively flush out the infection easily, immediately and safely. Drink them up now!
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