Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

100% Free Reverse Cell Phone Lookup - Do They Exist? A Sure Sign to Identify a Reliable Service!

Tens of thousands of people do Reverse Cell Phone Lookups everyday.
If you haven't done this before you would obviously want to know if you can do this for free.
The answer is Yes and No.
Yes because you can get limited information for free such as:
  • Cellular phone carrier - e.
    Sprint, Verizon etc
  • The location - city and state where the phone owner lives
I doubt if this is all the information you want to find out.
People obviously would like to find out the name of the cellular phone owner, that's the whole idea behind the reverse phone search.
However, this information cannot be given free without compromising the law! This is why I said yes and no as far as 100% Free reverse lookups are concerned.
There are privacy laws protecting mobile phone user privacy - that's why they're 'unlisted' Unlike numbers of land phones which are considered public domain, cell numbers are considered personal information.
This is why they're not published on public phone books such as the white pages.
This is also why you haven't seen specific phone books from Verizon etc.
Publishing mobile numbers would make them accessible to telemarketers etc and compromise the whole 'privacy'.
This is why cell numbers are not published on public phone directories.
Third party cellular number databases - not all are equally good! Unfortunately, the only way to trace a cellular number is via a third party database.
There are so many, not all are equally good.
Some are great and give you accurate results while some just try to rip you off.
A sure sign of a good service..
A sure sign of a good service is the 'Free preliminary search' function.
The great benefit of this feature is that it tells you the city and state the cell number is registered at.
So you know if the person is local or out of state.
This may even help you confirm your suspicions! It is not advisable to use a service that does not offer this feature.
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