Most people typically like to point the finger at someone else when it comes to drug abuse and the societal problems that come along with it. Average Americans with portfolio's more than likely do not stop to think about those pharmaceutical stocks they've purchased in hopes increasing their bank accounts go a long way in contributing to the perpetuating problem.
Drugs like Oxycontin and Hydrocodone are now killing more people that heroin and cocaine combined and most certainly are responsible for the majority of treatment admissions across the country. Many inpatient treatment facilities are seeing a rise in heroin addiction as a result of these drugs as well. Many teenagers and young people get hooked on these drugs, either through legitimate prescriptions, or out of the parents or grandparents medicine cabinet and go onto heroin because heroin is easier to obtain.
Ignorance and apathy are significant players in perpetuating these problems but of folks were to step back and take a look by following the money; they would see where the problems originated from. All drugs that we now have were developed and distributed as a means to make money. Sometimes drugs are needed but not to the degree society wants to believe. Drug companies will often tell you the profit made off of drugs goes into research to create more drugs to benefit man. What they don't tell you are the research on drugs are for damage done that they themselves have caused.
For example, heroin was created and distributed under the promotional campaigns as being the "new miracle drug" and answer morphine addictions etc. Now being outlawed as one of the most highly addicted drugs known to man, drug companies developed methadone as the answer to that. Now we are seeing large amounts of methadone addicts, and guess what? Drug companies are now coming up with Suboxone and other supposed opioid receptor "blockers" and the answer.
Often people spent tens of thousands of dollars to stay mired into the trap of drug addiction by paying methadone maintenance programs several hundred dollars per month for decades versus entering into an inpatient treatment facility. Confronting addiction and all the problems that comes with it is hard, harder than most folks care to imagine. That's why it easy for drug companies and those that stand to profit to prey on the weak.
The abuse of illicit drugs and addiction costs $200 billion in 2007 according to The Office of National Drug Control Policy. Prescription drug abuse and addiction was not included on this report. Prescription drug addiction accounts for the largest portion of addiction problems in this country. Inpatient treatment facilities have experienced a large percentage of addicts who as children were prescribed drugs like Ritalin, Adderrall and Dexedrine and later became addicted to methamphetamine or cocaine because they have similar qualities.
Drugs like Oxycontin and Hydrocodone are now killing more people that heroin and cocaine combined and most certainly are responsible for the majority of treatment admissions across the country. Many inpatient treatment facilities are seeing a rise in heroin addiction as a result of these drugs as well. Many teenagers and young people get hooked on these drugs, either through legitimate prescriptions, or out of the parents or grandparents medicine cabinet and go onto heroin because heroin is easier to obtain.
Ignorance and apathy are significant players in perpetuating these problems but of folks were to step back and take a look by following the money; they would see where the problems originated from. All drugs that we now have were developed and distributed as a means to make money. Sometimes drugs are needed but not to the degree society wants to believe. Drug companies will often tell you the profit made off of drugs goes into research to create more drugs to benefit man. What they don't tell you are the research on drugs are for damage done that they themselves have caused.
For example, heroin was created and distributed under the promotional campaigns as being the "new miracle drug" and answer morphine addictions etc. Now being outlawed as one of the most highly addicted drugs known to man, drug companies developed methadone as the answer to that. Now we are seeing large amounts of methadone addicts, and guess what? Drug companies are now coming up with Suboxone and other supposed opioid receptor "blockers" and the answer.
Often people spent tens of thousands of dollars to stay mired into the trap of drug addiction by paying methadone maintenance programs several hundred dollars per month for decades versus entering into an inpatient treatment facility. Confronting addiction and all the problems that comes with it is hard, harder than most folks care to imagine. That's why it easy for drug companies and those that stand to profit to prey on the weak.
The abuse of illicit drugs and addiction costs $200 billion in 2007 according to The Office of National Drug Control Policy. Prescription drug abuse and addiction was not included on this report. Prescription drug addiction accounts for the largest portion of addiction problems in this country. Inpatient treatment facilities have experienced a large percentage of addicts who as children were prescribed drugs like Ritalin, Adderrall and Dexedrine and later became addicted to methamphetamine or cocaine because they have similar qualities.