Health & Medical Nutrition

How to Stop Sugar Cravings

How to stop sugar cravings is frequently asked by many but only accomplished by few.
If you have tried it too, you know how difficult it is.
Sugar addiction is like addiction to alcohol or nicotine; your body becomes dependent on sugar, losing energy even when small amounts are removed from your diet.
Another side effect is that your tolerance to sugar becomes higher, which means your body can have large amounts of sugar at a time.
You can have sweet treats, but it is healthier if you control your intake.
The first thing you need to know is important if you do get sugar cravings on a regular basis.
There are many signs of sugar cravings, and sometimes people don't realize they are having these cravings at all.
Watch out of for the inability to move or lack of energy when you lack sugar for a day.
Other symptoms include being very hyperactive after indulging in sweet and sugary treats, diabetic symptoms (constant thirst and urination, increased chances of infection, and so on) but you are not yet a diabetic.
Sweets make you hungry even when you are full.
It is difficult to stop sugar cravings, To start, you can remove any sugary treats from your home.
Do not buy them, and avoid those stands or stalls that sell sweets if you can.
You can start looking at sugar free foods; these kinds of foods are found everywhere, since there are already many health-conscious consumers.
These foods are usually labeled with "no sugar", "sugar free" or "diet," so they will not be too hard to find.
Be aware that most of them are full of artificial sweeteners, and it is known that these are not good for your health.
Switching to whole grains is also an effective method, as whole grain foods are rich in other nutrients and fiber.
Fiber from eating veggies is also the way to go.
With veggies, your sugary diet will lessen, as they make you feel full and can suppress sugar cravings.
For those who have strong cravings for sugar, this will likely set in.
Sugar is a thick substance in liquid form, and your blood with high sugar can be a bit viscous, so you should be better be hydrated in order to regulate your blood flow.
Exercise is good.
The main point is that it will make you healthier and make you mentally stronger, as well.
With good health and strong mind it is easier to fight cravings.
You will also need lots of rest to kick a sugar craving.
Enough rest will help you stop the sugar craving since lack of sleep will cause your body need more sugar to maintain itself.
It will help tremendously if you learn to identify sugar, like previously mentioned, and avoid it.
This is the best way to stop that craving.
Knowing the signs of sugar addiction and the triggers that cause you to eat is the first step.
Then, knowing that something contains sugar and avoiding it as best as you can, with a strong mind and discipline, is the best way to stop sugar cravings.
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