Business & Finance Social Media

Introduction to Marketing Through Social Networks

Social networking sites (ex.
Myspace and Squidoo) are websites where people come together to chat, interact, exchange ideas, and develop new relationships.
In some ways, a modern day social networking website serves a similar function as did the "town square" or the "main drag" for your parents and grandparents.
It's a place where people go to meet other people and to ..
socialize! From a marketing point of view, social networking websites provide an opportunity to get your ideas and products in front of a lot of eyeballs.
At the time of this writing (January 2008) social networking websites are among the most heavily trafficked of ALL websites online.
Practically all social networking sites allow you to create a personal "profile" that reveals, among other things, your personal interests.
Other people can access and read your profile online, to learn a bit more about you.
Now if the idea of revealing personal details online makes you uncomfortable, just remember that you are not required to reveal your full identity, nor your location, phone number etc.
You can even keep your email private if you wish - and we suggest that you do so.
When creating your profile, focus your interests on the topic or niche of the website or product you wish to promote.
Then, you can carefully invite profile readers to visit your website(s) and/or your blog(s) where they can learn more about your "topic of personal interest.
" There is nothing sneaky or unethical about this tactic, as long as you are providing informational value to your readers.
Just remember - direct selling and marketing ARE NOT ALLOWED in most social networking sites.
But you can direct interested parties to your blogs and sites if you do so with a bit of social grace.
Just keep in mind that the hard sell will get you kicked off.
What you want is to pique peoples' interest so that they visit your site.
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