Smoking cigarettes is an extremely hard habit to kick.
Most people, myself included used smoking in my everyday life and at times simply thought they couldn't live without it.
When you are a smoker sometimes all you can think of is lighting up, kind of like a heroin anticipating his or her next fix.
In fact, it has been medically proved that smoking cigarettes or nicotine dependency is just as addictive as heroin.
Now here are 5 ways you can get started down the path to a smoke free life.
Stop Smoking Cold Turkey I know, sounds impossible, but believe me it is very possible.
You just have to replace your smoking habit with something for the time being.
I started chewing on straws from fast food restaurants and it worked like a charm.
No nicotine patches, no nicotine gum promising the world, just throw away your current pack and never look back.
Don't Surround Yourself with Smokers Even though I make this sound easy, it really isn't, but watch, once you are officially done with smoking cigarettes others will inevitably follow because that is exactly what happen in my case.
I quit smoking and a month later two of my closest friends followed in my foot steps.
Make Sure Everyone Knows you are Quitting There is nothing worse than being the only person not smoking in a room or family function when you are trying to quit.
Let it be known, take let people light up in front of you or convince you that you can't quit.
Tell them you are not smoking anymore and not to smoke around you.
It is easier than you think when you learn to do it every time.
Get Rid of Anything that Reminds you of Smoking Cigarettes Throw out cigarette packs and ashtrays.
Get your car detailed and emphasize getting rid of the smell of smoke in your car.
Trash all your lighters, matches or whatever you use to light up a cigarette.
Get rid of it all! Tell Yourself you Will Never Smoke a Cigarette Again! If you are a goal oriented person, a constant competitor or you know you have to quit smoking because of your decline health then make the goal to NEVER smoke a cigarette ever again.
It might sound silly, but once you start using these tips and get your mind set on quitting smoking, you will never look back.
Most people, myself included used smoking in my everyday life and at times simply thought they couldn't live without it.
When you are a smoker sometimes all you can think of is lighting up, kind of like a heroin anticipating his or her next fix.
In fact, it has been medically proved that smoking cigarettes or nicotine dependency is just as addictive as heroin.
Now here are 5 ways you can get started down the path to a smoke free life.
Stop Smoking Cold Turkey I know, sounds impossible, but believe me it is very possible.
You just have to replace your smoking habit with something for the time being.
I started chewing on straws from fast food restaurants and it worked like a charm.
No nicotine patches, no nicotine gum promising the world, just throw away your current pack and never look back.
Don't Surround Yourself with Smokers Even though I make this sound easy, it really isn't, but watch, once you are officially done with smoking cigarettes others will inevitably follow because that is exactly what happen in my case.
I quit smoking and a month later two of my closest friends followed in my foot steps.
Make Sure Everyone Knows you are Quitting There is nothing worse than being the only person not smoking in a room or family function when you are trying to quit.
Let it be known, take let people light up in front of you or convince you that you can't quit.
Tell them you are not smoking anymore and not to smoke around you.
It is easier than you think when you learn to do it every time.
Get Rid of Anything that Reminds you of Smoking Cigarettes Throw out cigarette packs and ashtrays.
Get your car detailed and emphasize getting rid of the smell of smoke in your car.
Trash all your lighters, matches or whatever you use to light up a cigarette.
Get rid of it all! Tell Yourself you Will Never Smoke a Cigarette Again! If you are a goal oriented person, a constant competitor or you know you have to quit smoking because of your decline health then make the goal to NEVER smoke a cigarette ever again.
It might sound silly, but once you start using these tips and get your mind set on quitting smoking, you will never look back.