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Atlanta Lawn Care

Find out the source of the lawn problem and rightfully diagnosing it before irreparable damage occurs is the most essential part of good Atlanta lawn care strategy. The following are the most common lawn issues and the best ways to identify and solve them.

* Not enough water. The lawn will have a bluish, grayish cast to it. The grass will be turning on itself and strolling along the lawn will cause you to leave foot imprints since the grass will lose its elasticity. The immediate solution to this dilemma is to inundate your lawn with at least an inch of water. Put a straight-sided container in the path of the sprinkler. Stop watering your lawn once the container fills up with an inch of water.
* Too much water. Water saturation of your lawn can appear in a variety of forms. The lawn might turn yellow, from lack of oxygen, or because nutrients have leached out of the lawn. Soils with heavy clay, poor drainage, or a location at the bottom of a slope are prone to poor drainage. Boost your soil's foundation and water flow of your lawn by adding absorbing compost.
* Grubs. You can most often tell if you have grubs if you have moles in your yard. Grubs are the larval stage of the life cycle of many insects. Japanese beetles pose a big risk to lawns when they are in their grub stage. The best way of eliminating grubs is to use a naturally effective bacteria known as milky spore. A single application can provide up to ten years of protection. You should be able to purchase milky spore at your local lawn and garden store.
* Imbalanced pH. The most detrimental effect pH has on soil is the amount of nutrient uptake. The first indication that the pH level isn't correct is the lack of nutrients absorbed by the plants. Have a professional test your soil to find the pH level. You can alter the pH level easily by adding lime to increase it or adding sulfur to decrease it. It is imperative that a soil test be administered before trying to balance the pH level of your soil.

Identifying lawn problems is the first step of defense in choosing the appropriate lawn care service.
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