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So You Want to Be a Leader

That in itself is very admirable.
Let me ask you a question.
Do you realize what it takes to be a LEADER? Let's take a look at what a Leader should be and what attributes should they bring to the table to be a leader.
Merriam & Webster's defines a leader with the following.
Definition: Leader Noun 1.
A person who rules or guides or inspires others.
OK that seems pretty straight forward.
So if we take the definition of a leader from Webster's, we see that anyone has the power in them to become a Leader.
Now let's look at Old Tex's definition of a leader.
Definition: Leader Noun A person that uses His/hers ability to get others to willingly follow their lead.
We can agree that the two definitions are in fact very similar.
I believe that if one wants to be an effective leader in the world of Network Marketing they must take the definition a couple of steps further.
An effective Leader in Network Marketing must have certain qualities.
First and foremost I believe that one should have a very high level of Integrity.
An individual with integrity Walks the Talk; they can be trusted because they never vary from their core values, even if it would be more profitable to do so.
Discipline, they must have discipline to work toward their goals and to their action and the teams toward the goals that they set.
Communication Skills.
An effective leader must process a high level of communication both to their team and those above Him/her.
Nothing ever gets done without good communication.
Dedication means spending whatever time and energy it takes to reach their goals.
An effective leader can inspire their team by their example of dedication toward reaching all of their goals.
This in turn will show the team that through dedication they can also reach their goals and fulfill their dream These are just a few qualities that one must t have to be an effective leader in today's Market Place.
You must always be open and honest with your team and those that are above you.
This will gain you the Trust and Respect that you are seeking in being a Leader.
Always look for ways to build up your team members.
If something goes astray don't point fingers and place the blame.
This is very counterproductive.
One other quality one must have to be an effective Leader is Passion.
A passion for the Company, The product, and the passion to HELP OTHER PEOPLE SUCCEED In their endeavors.
This is just a short definition that I believe that all Leaders should process.
If you don't have them, GET THEM, you can it will just take Work and Dedication.
Inherited traits like Good Looks, Intelligence are not necessary to become a Leader.
Anyone can cultivate the proper leadership traits See You At The Top This is Old Tex Have a prosperous Life
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