Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

New Born to Arrive

The moon just laughed at our first meet
You were so eager and passionate to greet
It was the happiest moment to be realized
No fear in mind and nothing to be analyzed

Stars too smiled and found cover in darkness
No noise and quiet silence to offer oneness
Silver rays were just coming and going out
Just to witness what was taking place or happening about

A final day to bring all happiness in future days
Nothing to worry about means and ways
It was to take shape in fine atmosphere
Divine bodies showered the flowers where we actually were

Nature's blessing were taking refuge in fine place
It was taking shape to come out for race
All joy and happiness reflecting of red face
Worry was thousand of miles and had no trace

Memorable day when I looked at the shape
How others may be feeling it was to come as result of rape?
I wondered at the joy of being called mother
What would be the moment of joy for father?

How many more months to carry a living memory?
Why there was shred of tension or worry?
Was it natural to feel happiest person on earth?
I felt whole world at my feet and really to be worth

Time was quickly moving with fast clicking
I was not allowed to move freely and ducking
It was all precaution not to make difficult for new born
We all prayed very long and vows were to be sworn

I was to act s wise and caring mother
Childish behavior was to go and not to bother
What others were thinking about motherhood?
Excitement all over seen especially in neighborhood

I tried to read the pulses from inner soul
There was movement and easy crawl
I used to feel some change in growing belly
It was looking at green pasture and valley

What kind of joy it will be when you come out and cry?
I may be going down and feeling so shy
There may be many more questions in mind to ask why?
I shall not care about all and will never try

So to say I feel different person
There is no other feeling or reason
I am altogether in stable and fine world
I feel some times very hot and some times cold

I shall invite new born with wind hands
I shall be jealous with new trend
My whole love will be for new arrival
Home will be decorated as if welcome for carnival

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