Health & Medical Men's Health

House Star Omar Epps on TV Doctors and Being a Dad

House Star Omar Epps on TV Doctors and Being a Dad Actor Omar Epps has played television doctors in both ER andHouse. He recently talked to WebMD the Magazine about what he'slearned about medicine from his TV roles, as well as how he keeps himselfhealthy.

Omar Epps, what has playingDr. Eric Foreman on House M.D. andbefore that Dr. Dennis Gant on ER taught you about your ownhealth?

Be vigilant and pay attention to yourbody.

If you were sick, would you want to betreated by your TV boss, the ornery and brilliant diagnostican Dr. GregoryHouse, played by Hugh Laurie?

Yes, I would want to see Dr. House. Thething about House is that he is the best. House is the doctor that they sendyou to when all else has failed.  His bedside manner is rude, but he is astraight shooter and he will find the right answer nine out of 10times.

Has being on all of these medicaldramas made you a hypochondriac?

I wash my hands a lot more now becausethat is how germs are passed on. In the past few years, the only times that Ihaven’t caught a bug that is going around on the set is when I have beendiligent about washing my hands.

You have three kids ages 9, 4, and 1.It must be hard to stay healthy when they are constantly bringing homegerms.

Yes. They are like petridishes.

Speaking of fatherhood, what has beenthe most exciting part for you so far?

To see them learn something and to reallysee them go from zero to past zero.

What have you learned from yourchildren?

I have learned to keep my innocence. I aman artist, so I have it in me to find the wonder in life. My kids are alsopretty disciplined and determined. If they set their mind to do something, theywill accomplish it and that is pretty admirable.

Any tips or advice for newdads?

When it comes to parenting, there aremany books and a lot of helpful things, but nothing can really prepare you.Once you are driving that ship, it's the hardest, yet greatest job in theworld.

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