If you want to be a successful RES, there are many points that have to be kept in mind and should be taken care of. In this blog, we are going to discuss on the mistakes that a successful RES should avoid doing it. It is important for the realtor that he does not do mistakes that may affect his business. Following are some of the mistakes that professional RES should not do and even those who are under real estate sales training should keep in mind for their future:
€ Do not add on stuff that is not required
This is the specialty of the real estate agent that he does not speak more than what is required; he is a good listener and focus upon the requirement of his client. The first point that one should consider is to listen more instead of speaking more. Speaking more may not be good at all time, & it completely depends on the time and situation that speaking will be beneficial or not. You have to judge yourself that adding on the content in your speech is pleasant or not.
€ Do not under-estimate other realtors
Most of the realtors think that by under-estimating other relators they will rise and enhance their goodwill. This is the second common mistake that real estate agents do in sake of earning goodwill and increasing their customers. If you will under-estimate the other realtors, then surely instead of making your reputation you will reduce it. This is may not be fine for your business and it may ruin your RES image.
€ Little knowledge about the topic
The third common mistake that agents make is related to the knowledge on the topic. If you are into this profession, it is important that concepts and various related aspects are clear to you and you are able to clear out each doubt of the customer. In this profession, it is important that each point and concept is clear in your mind, as you have to deal with all walks of people and clear their doubts.
€ To be over-confident
To be confident is important but to be over confident can be harmful for your career. In this profession, to be under confident will not work and to be over confident will not work. You have to be normal and mainly understand the perception of the customer. What are their demands, what are the services they are looking for, and most importantly what type of real estate they want, keep in mind certain questions, and avoid to be over-confident specially in front of the customers or when you are in some professional meetings.
€ Not looking at the competition
Last but not the least mistake that real estate agents make is not looking at their competition. If you want to exist in this business for the long run, it is essential that your one eye should be on your customers and other eye should be on your competition. This will help in growing and establishing your business.
€ Do not add on stuff that is not required
This is the specialty of the real estate agent that he does not speak more than what is required; he is a good listener and focus upon the requirement of his client. The first point that one should consider is to listen more instead of speaking more. Speaking more may not be good at all time, & it completely depends on the time and situation that speaking will be beneficial or not. You have to judge yourself that adding on the content in your speech is pleasant or not.
€ Do not under-estimate other realtors
Most of the realtors think that by under-estimating other relators they will rise and enhance their goodwill. This is the second common mistake that real estate agents do in sake of earning goodwill and increasing their customers. If you will under-estimate the other realtors, then surely instead of making your reputation you will reduce it. This is may not be fine for your business and it may ruin your RES image.
€ Little knowledge about the topic
The third common mistake that agents make is related to the knowledge on the topic. If you are into this profession, it is important that concepts and various related aspects are clear to you and you are able to clear out each doubt of the customer. In this profession, it is important that each point and concept is clear in your mind, as you have to deal with all walks of people and clear their doubts.
€ To be over-confident
To be confident is important but to be over confident can be harmful for your career. In this profession, to be under confident will not work and to be over confident will not work. You have to be normal and mainly understand the perception of the customer. What are their demands, what are the services they are looking for, and most importantly what type of real estate they want, keep in mind certain questions, and avoid to be over-confident specially in front of the customers or when you are in some professional meetings.
€ Not looking at the competition
Last but not the least mistake that real estate agents make is not looking at their competition. If you want to exist in this business for the long run, it is essential that your one eye should be on your customers and other eye should be on your competition. This will help in growing and establishing your business.