Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Techniques of Comfortable Sleep

At first we have to know what the sleep means, a small but a word with depth.
The sleep is the most beautiful thing in the world for a normal person who enjoys good health and sound mind.
Sleep may a world of care free life.
It may also prove itself the best ever gift from the God for a person .
Have you ever watched a baby sleeping? How carelessly it takes its sleep, can you imagine how much comfort it is having at the time.
No wealth in the world can be the alternate of this comfort, of such feeling, such relaxation, which the baby is enjoying.
Scientifically, sleep is one of the most vital re-engineering commodities in the world.
During sleep the batteries are recharged, the worn out cells are replaced and repaired.
Here is nothing like a good night's peaceful repose to reinvigorate the body and mind.
Mostly of us will be aware of the word Insomnia, no not really, to which simply we call sleeplessness, the mostly prevailing illness of presently surviving persons of the world of today.
In one single recent year, more than eight million prescriptions were written by the doctors for patients in Australia for sedatives, hypnotics and tranquilizers, or to understandable words, for "Knock-out" pills; for sleeping draughts.
All this cost a cool fifteen million dollars, but that is another story! Fortunately, due to fairly widely spread campaigning, the numbers are steadily falling, but the picture is there, clear enough for every one to see.
Add to this the vast amount of over counter lines -bought and swallowed by the pharmacy customers - those which need no prescription.
This all means that thousand of people - infect the score probably runs in to millions on a world-wide front are unable to get sleep at night.
So the problem has become so much serious and if you don't want to be a victim of it so, or may be possible you are a victim of it, but what I have got to tell that in spite of pills and tablets there is another way of curing such illness to a big deal.
What I have got to tell is the most the effective and the cheapest therapy that is most successful without any side-effects.
Even a poor can have advantage from this easiest and effective way to be used for the cure of Insomnia (the medical term used for sleeplessness).
The first step for such cheap treatment is your personal effort .
Often sleeplessness is self-induced, and if the person is not in the right frame of mind ,sleep will never come.
But if a sensible approach is made, if a positive goal is set, the body relaxed, then it is invariably to go to sleep.
The second step is very simple and effective form of successful therapy; it involves a very little-apart from time and some personal effort.
It is clearly set out in ten points.
Each one is simple to the extreme.
However if you are having difficulties, try the plan in principle.
Do not expect miracles over night, for this will seldom eventuate.
Try and try again.
Relax take it calmly.
Don't expect the world, go through the routine, and in many cases you will soon become the expert (like every healthy person enjoying sleep) at gaining rapid, peaceful, healthful sleep at night.
Here is the routine set out by points: Ten point plan on going to sleep at night: 1: UNWIND ..
RELAX: It's essential that your mind be geared for sleep.
Sit down for half an hour or even an hour before bedtime.
Let the mind wander .
take it quietly, gently unwinds.
Tensions and anxieties are gently released from the system through this simple way.
2: READ A BOOK: Many find it especially relaxing and mentally soothing to read for a while before the lights are out.
This helps gear the mind to a low-key pitch which is an essential prerequisite for prompt and relaxing sleep.
3: SHORT BOUT OF ACTIVITY: Frequently a short, casual stroll before bed will similarly remove tensions and anxieties from the mind.
Just amble, tiredness and a lovely sense fatigue.
These days' jogging is popular.
4: WARM BATH: There is little so relaxing as a nice warm shower or bath.
The latter is more effective but it takes a bit longer.
This warms the blood a little giving a soporific effect when it circulates to the brain centers.
5: WARM DRINK: Many people find a warm to hot milk drink very relaxing.
Indeed recent research reported in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL indicates this definitely improves sleeping ability.
It is preferable to have tea or coffee for this contains caffeine which is a nerve stimulant and will have the converse effect.
Either milk as such, or with any of the many commercial0 additives is suitable.
Take your pick.
6: WARM BED: It is desirable for the bed to be nice and warm.
In summer this happens automatically, but in cooler weather, an electric blanket is the answer to cold bed problem.
Warmth breeds relaxation, contentment and nervous satisfaction.
7: COMFORTABLE BED: Sleep comes best and fastest when the bed is comfortable.
A bed you find that doesn't allow you to relax completely will never a good starting point for prompt, restful slumber.
8: RELAXATION: You must learn to relax the entire system completely and utterly once you go to bed.
When all the forgoing routines have been followed and you hit bed, gently stretch out into the most comfortable lying position you can find (it may on flat of the back or one side, rarely on the stomach) start with the left toes and systematically relax this part.
Work up to the ankle, lower leg, knee, and thigh.
Do the left side then the right.
Then the whole body in the same way.
9: RELAXING THOUGHTS: As you relax the various joints and muscles system, you gradually phase out all conscious thoughts from your mind.
This takes practice and time .
It will not come overnight on the first occasion.
You must work at it, and stick to the routine.
Some prefer to think of happy-occasions, of relaxing situations-lying in the sun on the beach or on a freshly mowed lawn.
Mind pictures must be on pleasant experiences.
These will give a way today dreaming thoughts, visions and sensations.
Then they gradually become vague and vaguer, as you gradually drift into oblivion.
10: DEEP BREATHS: As you care for your mind in this manner, gradually take deep breaths.
They should be rhythmical, deep, slow and regular.
Softly, slowly, rhythmically as you breath in ...
you then count.
Slowly, very slowly taking one figure with each two to three breaths .
Finally you softly tell yourself you will be fast asleep by the time you count to ten.
"One ...
in, out..
in, out..
in, out..
in, out..
" Get the picture? By the time hit ten (and with a bit of practice well before this number), you will be fast asleep.
Any doubts? Just try it and see! Friendly and worth full messaged not be fooled into relying on sleeping pills ,tablets, capsules and potions to get you into artificial, unnatural sleep.
It's not worth it these should be used in cases of extreme necessity only, such as during illness or if by necessity in hospital, but not ON a regular basis.
Do you get the message? Isn't it so simple? It is easy and effective.
Why not try the plan, starting from this evening.
Good night! And sleep tight! with Melatonin.
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