Health & Medical Acne

Natural Ways Are the Safest Way to Cure Acne

Acne is a skin condition that could be triggered by hormonal imbalance, diet, and pollution.
As soon as a person reaches puberty, acne could appear to anyone especially if you don't have a healthy skin.
And what we eat is shown in our skin.
Acne could be hereditary as well but we don't have to blame our parents for passing on the gene to us.
I really believe that acne can be controlled by changing our lifestyle.
Too much fatty and sweet foods are a nemesis of acne.
And the chemicals we put on our skin could treat or aggravate the condition.
Sometimes they leave ugly scars.
I was plagued by acne and skin allergy since I was 16 to about 27.
That's more than a decade of suffering embarrassment and low self-esteem.
Well, the allergy and the acne didn't stay there for 11 years.
Sometimes they went and then they would come back.
I have tried too many ways to eliminate the problem but they all failed to give a lasting result.
One time I noticed that a vitamin I was taking helped cleared my skin a bit but only for a short time.
Finally, I went to a dermatologist who gave me injections, oral and topical medicines.
It cost me a small fortune but didn't help at all.
The persistent sebaceous glands kept on erupting on my face and neck.
I was in college when my acne got worse and it affected even my back and chest.
I remember being poked for my ugly zits.
I was offended and helpless.
All those years I always used facial cleanser but I think it just made my skin more sensitive and I became allergic to anything that comes in contact with my face except clean water.
Then, I found a product line that used all natural ingredients.
It did help me get rid of my acne and the allergy.
Once my face was cleared I used fresh lemon as facial cleanser.
I would squeeze it in my hand and massage to my face for a few seconds before rinsing with clean water.
I also reckoned that toothpaste was a good alternative for sensitive skin because we can actually put it in our mouth and does not cause irritation at all.
So whenever I felt that my face was getting sticky I used toothpaste at least once or twice a month.
I still use it to this day once in a while.
Natural products really work best and apart from being inexpensive, there is little or no side effect.
Nowadays, there are plenty of natural products you can find online.
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