Unani Medicine is based on the Greece philosophy. According to Basic Principals of Unani the body is made up of the four Basic elements i.e. Earth, Air, Water, Fire which have different Temperaments i.e. Cold, Hot, Wet, Dry. After mixing and interaction of four elements a new compound having new temperament comes into existence i.e. Hot Wet, Hot Dry, Cold Wet, Cold Dry. The body have the Simple and Compound Organs which got their nourishment through four Humours i.e. Blood, Phlegm, Yellow Bile, Black Bile. The humour also assigned temperament as blood is hot and wet, Phlegm is cold and hot, yellow bile is hot and dry and black bile is cold and dry.
Health is a state of Body in which there is equilibrium in the Humours and functions of the body are normal in accordance to its own temperament and the environment.
When the equilibrium of the Humours is disturbed and functions of the body are abnormal ,in accordance to its own temperament and environment, that state is called Disease.
Unani medicine believes in Promotion of Health , prevention of diseases and cure.
Health of human is based on the six essentials (Asbabe Sitta Zaroorya) if these are followed health is maintained otherwise there will be diseases.
Six essentials are 1.Atmospheric Air 2.Drinks and Food 3.Sleep and Wakefulness 4.Excretion and Retention 5.Physical activity and rest 6. Mental activity and Rest.
Diagnosis - Diseases are mainly diagnosed with the help of Pulse (Nabz), physical examination of the Urine and Stool. Also, patients are examined systematically to make the diagnosis easy as spot diagnosis with the help of simple, modern gadgets.
Treatment-Diseases are treated in the following ways
1. Ilajbil Tadbeer (Regimenal Therapy)
2. Ilajbil Ghiza ( Dietotherapy)
3. Ilajbil Dava (Pharmacotherapy)
4. Ilajbil Yad ( Surgery)
1. Ilajbil Tadbeer(Regimenal Therapy):-Some drugless regimens are advised for the treatment of certain ailments i.e. Exercise, Massage, Hamam(Turkish Bath), Douches(Cold and Hot) and the Regimen for Geriatrics.
2. Ilajbil Ghiza(Dietotherapy):-Different diets are recommended for the patients of different diseases.
3. Ilajbil Dava (Pharmaco-therapy):- The basic concept of treatment is to correct the cause of the disease that may be Abnormal temperament due to
I. Environmental factors
II. Abnormal humours either due to internal causes or external causes which may be pathogenic micro-organism, through (a)drugs of opposite temperament to the temperament of the disease that is called Ilaj-bil-zid or (b) drugs of similar temperament as of the temperament of the disease that is called as Ilaj-bil-misl
The drugs used are mostly of the Plant origin. Some drugs of Animal and Mineral Origin are also used. Patients are treated either by single drugs (crude drugs) or by compound drugs (formulations of single drugs)...
Health is a state of Body in which there is equilibrium in the Humours and functions of the body are normal in accordance to its own temperament and the environment.
When the equilibrium of the Humours is disturbed and functions of the body are abnormal ,in accordance to its own temperament and environment, that state is called Disease.
Unani medicine believes in Promotion of Health , prevention of diseases and cure.
Health of human is based on the six essentials (Asbabe Sitta Zaroorya) if these are followed health is maintained otherwise there will be diseases.
Six essentials are 1.Atmospheric Air 2.Drinks and Food 3.Sleep and Wakefulness 4.Excretion and Retention 5.Physical activity and rest 6. Mental activity and Rest.
Diagnosis - Diseases are mainly diagnosed with the help of Pulse (Nabz), physical examination of the Urine and Stool. Also, patients are examined systematically to make the diagnosis easy as spot diagnosis with the help of simple, modern gadgets.
Treatment-Diseases are treated in the following ways
1. Ilajbil Tadbeer (Regimenal Therapy)
2. Ilajbil Ghiza ( Dietotherapy)
3. Ilajbil Dava (Pharmacotherapy)
4. Ilajbil Yad ( Surgery)
1. Ilajbil Tadbeer(Regimenal Therapy):-Some drugless regimens are advised for the treatment of certain ailments i.e. Exercise, Massage, Hamam(Turkish Bath), Douches(Cold and Hot) and the Regimen for Geriatrics.
2. Ilajbil Ghiza(Dietotherapy):-Different diets are recommended for the patients of different diseases.
3. Ilajbil Dava (Pharmaco-therapy):- The basic concept of treatment is to correct the cause of the disease that may be Abnormal temperament due to
I. Environmental factors
II. Abnormal humours either due to internal causes or external causes which may be pathogenic micro-organism, through (a)drugs of opposite temperament to the temperament of the disease that is called Ilaj-bil-zid or (b) drugs of similar temperament as of the temperament of the disease that is called as Ilaj-bil-misl
The drugs used are mostly of the Plant origin. Some drugs of Animal and Mineral Origin are also used. Patients are treated either by single drugs (crude drugs) or by compound drugs (formulations of single drugs)...