Time for New Year's Resolutions again.
Why not get the job done this time? Quit smoking for good.
It's outdated, unappealing, and most importantly, unhealthy in so many ways.
There are lots of ways to quit smoking, such as the nicotine patch, Chantix, or nicotine gum.
But Chantix, for example, comes with a 44% success rate after 9-12 weeks, and the warning of dangerous side effects such as allergic reactions, insomnia, hallucinations, black outs, agitation, depression and suicidal thoughts.
Who wants to take a chance on that? I'd like to suggest a better way to become a permanent non-smoker.
Thousands of people have already discovered the efficacy of hypnotherapy for kicking the habit.
Hypnosis uncovers the reasons why people smoke, and unhealthy habits and unproductive thoughts are replaced with positive and supporting new behaviors.
The process is comfortable, relaxing, and enlightening.
It works with your body's own innate wisdom for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Hypnosis is a natural, yet altered state of consciousness that we go in and out of all day long.
Hypnotherapy accesses your deeper mind to uncover how to stop smoking for a lifetime.
Human beings have a conscious and a sub-conscious mind.
The subconscious is our survival mind, and it seeks to protect and serve us.
For most smokers, the decision was made a long time ago that somehow smoking was a good thing.
Relaxing, distracting, the cigarette is the friend that's always there.
Maybe it's time to delete that old programming, and update your mind with what is true for you today.
You do know how to calm yourself in a healthy way, manage stress, and take care of yourself in a better way.
You have everything you need within your own mind to be successful at quitting smoking, once and for all.
Let life be different now.
There's a whole new world on the other side of the smoky gray haze.
Why not get the job done this time? Quit smoking for good.
It's outdated, unappealing, and most importantly, unhealthy in so many ways.
There are lots of ways to quit smoking, such as the nicotine patch, Chantix, or nicotine gum.
But Chantix, for example, comes with a 44% success rate after 9-12 weeks, and the warning of dangerous side effects such as allergic reactions, insomnia, hallucinations, black outs, agitation, depression and suicidal thoughts.
Who wants to take a chance on that? I'd like to suggest a better way to become a permanent non-smoker.
Thousands of people have already discovered the efficacy of hypnotherapy for kicking the habit.
Hypnosis uncovers the reasons why people smoke, and unhealthy habits and unproductive thoughts are replaced with positive and supporting new behaviors.
The process is comfortable, relaxing, and enlightening.
It works with your body's own innate wisdom for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Hypnosis is a natural, yet altered state of consciousness that we go in and out of all day long.
Hypnotherapy accesses your deeper mind to uncover how to stop smoking for a lifetime.
Human beings have a conscious and a sub-conscious mind.
The subconscious is our survival mind, and it seeks to protect and serve us.
For most smokers, the decision was made a long time ago that somehow smoking was a good thing.
Relaxing, distracting, the cigarette is the friend that's always there.
Maybe it's time to delete that old programming, and update your mind with what is true for you today.
You do know how to calm yourself in a healthy way, manage stress, and take care of yourself in a better way.
You have everything you need within your own mind to be successful at quitting smoking, once and for all.
Let life be different now.
There's a whole new world on the other side of the smoky gray haze.