Health & Medical Mental Health

Culture Centered Planning

Strategizing and implementing support for an individual with disabilities can be a difficult process for anyone family to deal with.
Moreover, navigating medical resources and identifying community supports can be stressful if the family is not informed.
Individuals with disabilities face a multitude of challenges not only due to their limitations but the lack of support for the lives they are entitled to.
There are also external factors such as time management and budget cuts from healthcare organizations.
For these reasons, it is essential for families to receive concentrated planning not only on an individual basis but also on a cultural basis.
Person centered planning strengthens the focus on individual needs and provides awareness to the circle of support.
In this process, the person has preferences, goals and aspirations that need to be converted into a plan for optimum achievement.
The purpose of the plan is also to build bridges and eliminate obstacles that society would present.
The same process also facilitates a connection with community by infusing the plan with cultural preferences.
In society today, cultured centered planning is as important a person-centered planning as many individuals with disabilities tend to reside in diverse communities.
In addition, these individuals to tend to immerse themselves in their community or search for places to increase social acceptance.
Cultured centered planning enhances sensitivity and cognizance of a person's ethnic background as an opportunity for the health professional to provide better quality of care.
There are many components of an individual's culture that affect normalcy such as language, favorite food, neighborhoods and overall comfort.
Measured outcomes and competency also help health professionals understand cultural differences.
Working with an individual with disabilities and their family also require objectivity and the motivation to examine cultural labels.
Although it is not typical for families and health professionals to share the same ideas, therefore it is very important that a compromise is met.
The devaluing of a person's culture can have a traumatic effect on their lives and lead to challenging behaviors or lack of participation in social activities.
Different cultures have different expectations which require specific responses.
For those reasons, the method in which a circle of support discusses valued outcomes, performance measures and common behaviors must be consider cultural implications in all facets.
The greatest expectations cannot become a reality without a healthy dialogue at team meetings.
Without cultural centered planning, competency will never be attained.
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