- In "FBI," players fill the boots of a Bureau team leader and strive to arrest as many bad guys as they can before the game ends. To complicate matters, players must avoid arresting innocent civilians by mistake, while cards representing the media and other outside factors can hinder players' efforts. The "X-Files CCG" is a collectible game based around the hit TV show; game play loosely resembles that of the classic board game "Clue." Players must investigate locations represented by the Site cards they play. Ultimately these allow players to ask their opponents questions, with each participant's goal being to decipher which X-File his opponents are working on.
- These games are intended for multiple players. In "The F.B.I. Game," players control pairs of agents out to bring a fugitive to justice. The race is on for players to assemble pieces of evidence from crime scenes. Garnering four bits of evidence allows players to bring the guilty party in for questioning. "FBI Crime Resistance" is intended for between two and four players. Participants move across a board via a series of pathways and rotating discs, with the goal of collecting Resistance cards. Once they've gathered a bunch of these cards together, players can then try to win the game by working out which Victim card fits with which Resistance card.
- PC FBI games vary from complex titles to simpler, action-based adventures. A point-and-click adventure, "Hopkins FBI" features comic-book style graphics and interspersed video clips, with the player taking on the role of the titular agent, who's out to stop a terrorist. Players chat to characters to proceed through their investigations into the terrorist's whereabouts. Another point-and-click adventure, "Art of Murder: FBI Confidential" places players in the role of a rookie Bureau agent. Players investigate various crime scenes by combing them carefully for evidence before taking findings back to the lab to garner further clues.
- The "X-Files" television series has inspired multiple spinoff games, the majority of which are available on the PC. "The X-Files Game" stars Agent Willmore, who is put onto a case involving the disappearance of agents Mulder and Scully, the central characters of the TV show. The player must guide Willmore through various puzzles, gathering clues to proceed through a plot line that involves government coverups and shady dealings. PlayStation 2 game "The X-Files: Resist or Serve" allows a player to take on the role of either Mulder or Scully and investigate a conspiracy that involves aliens, witchcraft and horrific murders. In-game scenarios differ based on the agent chosen. For example, Scully, who's a doctor, handles medical puzzles such as autopsies. Other notable characters from the show, such as the Lone Gunmen, also appear.
Card Games
Board Games
PC Games
X-Files Video Games