Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Migraine Advice - What You Need to Know About Severe Headaches!

Hundreds of thousands of people suffer with severe headaches on a daily basis.
The reality is that the majority of these people are happy to take pain killers and which take care of the problem quickly.
Are you looking for more than this though? Are you looking for migraine advice that can change the way you attack your severe headaches? Great! Keep reading! #1 Reduce your wine intake Whilst headaches are likely to occur anyway, there is always something that triggers them off.
The likes of red win are known to cause migraines in both men and women, so reducing your intake could help you a great deal.
#2 Stop eating rich food Like wine, a lot of rich foods will trigger off a headache.
The best migraine advice you will get is the stay away from so called "bad" foods such as chocolate, fine cheeses and even vinegar.
#3 Sleep well Having inconsistency in your sleeping pattern is not likely to help you get rid of a migraine when it does occur, but it will help to prevent them from being so frequent.
Go to bed at a reasonable time (preferably the same time every night) and try to get 8 hours sleep.
#4 Relax Relaxing helps to both prevent and cure headaches, so relaxing on a regular basis is a great piece of migraine advice.
Make sure you take some time to yourself, and try and avoid the likes of TV and computer screens for a while.
Is there anything else you can do? If your headaches are frequent and severe, try looking at some migraine books, as the migraine advice they offer is usually second to none!
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