My brother got married last year, and just the other day, we were browsing through his wedding photos.
The great thing about wedding photos is that they make you happy, because almost every person in the album is grinning back at you with huge toothy smiles! Except for one person.
In every photo, my cousin Samantha always keeps her mouth closed.
The result is almost laughable attempt to smile with pursed lips, which looks more like a grimace, or even a frown, than anything resembling a smile.
I remember the photographer shouting at everyone, "Say cheese!", "Big smiles!", "Show us your pearly whites!" But in every photo, Samantha is not smiling.
Why doesn't she smile? Well, you see, she smokes.
And she drinks coffee.
And soda.
As a result, her teeth are not exactly what you would call white.
Perhaps a sort of off-white, or cream-color.
Or possibly even yellow.
That's why she doesn't show her teeth in photos.
Of course, she won't admit that it's because of the tobacco, or the coffee, or the soda.
She says "It's hereditary, my parents had yellow teeth!" Yes, Samantha, but they also smoked and drank coffee.
And besides, times have changed.
In the past few years, amazing technological leaps have been made in the area of cosmetic dentistry.
In fact cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry is fast becoming one of the biggest areas within the dental field.
As treatments improve and become more affordable, more and more people are coming to cosmetic dentists for beautiful teeth.
Not only can cosmetic dentist whiten teeth, but they can also create dental implants to fill in gaps from missing teeth, and crowns to even out teeth levels.
Cosmetic and implants dentists can skillfully blend science and art, and "sculpt" a more attractive, pleasing smile for you! So, Samantha, a few tips.
Firstly, stop smoking, stop drinking coffee and soda.
Secondly, arrange an appointment to see your local cosmetic dentist.
The procedure takes less than thirty minutes.
And finally, start using teeth-whitening toothpaste twice a day.
Follow these simple steps and you'll have whiter teeth in no time at all.
Then, at the next family event, you'll be able to smile when the photographer shouts, "Show us your pearly whites!"
The great thing about wedding photos is that they make you happy, because almost every person in the album is grinning back at you with huge toothy smiles! Except for one person.
In every photo, my cousin Samantha always keeps her mouth closed.
The result is almost laughable attempt to smile with pursed lips, which looks more like a grimace, or even a frown, than anything resembling a smile.
I remember the photographer shouting at everyone, "Say cheese!", "Big smiles!", "Show us your pearly whites!" But in every photo, Samantha is not smiling.
Why doesn't she smile? Well, you see, she smokes.
And she drinks coffee.
And soda.
As a result, her teeth are not exactly what you would call white.
Perhaps a sort of off-white, or cream-color.
Or possibly even yellow.
That's why she doesn't show her teeth in photos.
Of course, she won't admit that it's because of the tobacco, or the coffee, or the soda.
She says "It's hereditary, my parents had yellow teeth!" Yes, Samantha, but they also smoked and drank coffee.
And besides, times have changed.
In the past few years, amazing technological leaps have been made in the area of cosmetic dentistry.
In fact cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry is fast becoming one of the biggest areas within the dental field.
As treatments improve and become more affordable, more and more people are coming to cosmetic dentists for beautiful teeth.
Not only can cosmetic dentist whiten teeth, but they can also create dental implants to fill in gaps from missing teeth, and crowns to even out teeth levels.
Cosmetic and implants dentists can skillfully blend science and art, and "sculpt" a more attractive, pleasing smile for you! So, Samantha, a few tips.
Firstly, stop smoking, stop drinking coffee and soda.
Secondly, arrange an appointment to see your local cosmetic dentist.
The procedure takes less than thirty minutes.
And finally, start using teeth-whitening toothpaste twice a day.
Follow these simple steps and you'll have whiter teeth in no time at all.
Then, at the next family event, you'll be able to smile when the photographer shouts, "Show us your pearly whites!"