Business & Finance Small Business

Try This "Hot New Thing" to Boost Your Revenue

There is always some "hot new thing" in the marketplace that is supposedly designed to end your marketing woes. Sometimes the new thing works, sometimes it doesn't. But I want to share with you the new smart, simple, "hot", "new" thing that IS working right now. What is that Hot New (or actually old successful thing)? It comes in the form of three simple words: Plan, Execute, and Results!

How often do you take time to look at your business objectively? Every day you fight to not get bogged down in the minutia of things that are thrown at you. After putting out multiple fires each week, it is easy to forget the very reason you are started your business in the first place. It can be difficult to step away from the hustle to detect areas where you could simplify and improve operations. If you are constantly in a mental fog, you will miss opportunities to increase your revenue. If you aren't careful, your business can put you in the same rat race that you sought to escape when you were working for someone else.

It is time for you to go old school and do what successful entrepreneurs have done for centuries. That is plan the work that you must do. Execute the plan that you have created. Benefit from and duplicate the results you enjoy. Let me show you how.

Plan Your Work

Take a look at what you've accomplished in your business over the last six months. Did you stick to the work that you planned to do? It is never too late to create a plan and put that plan into action. Take the time that you need right now to map out the success that you want to achieve within the next six months. This is crucial. What is it going to take for you to reach your goals?

First, decide what you want to accomplish. Be specific in this step. Ambiguity will leave you stuck in the fog of busy work. Busy work doesn't make you money. Strategic and consistent action does.

Here is the solution. Set 3 specific goals for yourself right now. Write them down now and commit to bringing them to fruition. Your goals can come in a variety of forms:

€ Number of clients

€ Income generated

€ Hire an assistant

€ Number of speaking gigs

€ Write a number of blog posts / articles

€ Rent an office space

Next, outline exactly what steps you need to take to accomplish each goal within the next six months. For example, what are you going to do each week to enroll new clients into your practice? How many speaking gigs will you book each month? What are the criteria for a desirable office space?

Write out each step that is needed to navigate you from the reading of this article to the completion of our goal. No matter how many steps are involved, write them down and create a checklist for getting the work done.

Work Your Plan

Are you getting excited? Do you see yourself accomplishing your goals? How do you feel? Hold on to that, because that excitement is just the motivation you need to start taking action. The ONLY way to carry out your objective is to work your plan. That takes us back to that "hot new" thing that we mentioned earlier.

Nowadays, people will have you believe that you can take a short cut or quick route to success. But there is no such thing as overnight success. Oprah (one of America's beloved business women) did not inherit her business success. Through many years of focused effort, she built a business empire.

Whether it is your goal to attain Oprah-like success or not, is up to you. Regardless of the level of success you do want to achieve, you need to plan what you want to accomplish, map out the steps and schedule time each day, each week and each month to work your plan. If you fail in this simple step (the "Hot New Thing"), your goals will remain dreams that you watch other people fulfill.
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