Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

How To Set Attainable Goals In Your Business

What goals have you set for your business this year? Have you set attainable goals; or only goals that are hard to reach? I ask you because in order to know where you're going, you have to set clear goals that will guide you on your path to success. Most business owners don't want to hear this "self improvement" advice, but little do they know that it's the one thing that can take their business to the top.

Beyond marketing and advertising your business, you should start with small goals, and then gradually increase it to long term goals that you will be able to accomplish. For example, a short term goal that I have set in my business is to get at least 10 subscribers per day to sign up to my mailing list. And my long term goal (in about 3 years), is to have over 100,000 subscribers in my opt-in mailing list.

Another one of my long term goals is to average 1 sale per day in my business. Hopefully 10 years from now, I'll be able to get around 5 sales per day in my business, but this is something that is far out in the distant future. So what about you? What are your goals for having success in your business?

When making out your goals, I think you should stick to basic things first. One short term goal that you can set is to contact your customers on a monthly basis. This 1 change alone can help you to make alot more money in your business. 80% of all business profits will come from sales on the back end, so if you have a customer list that is dormant right now, more than likely you can reactivate these customers with a simple letter to their home.

A long term goal you could have is to hire more employees. And obviously, if you're going to hire more new employees, there must be a clear reason as to why you want to do this. Well a great reason that you can have for wanting to hire more new employees is due to you having alot more business. And if you're having alot more new business, then more than likely your advertising and marketing engines is running at full speed.

Setting goals in your business isn't hard to do at all. Sometimes a single goal that you've set for your business is the 1 thing that can take your business over the top. I can remember one time in my life where I wanted to start my own home business, but I had no idea of how to go about starting one.

I had tried everything from direct mail to online affiliate programs, but I wasn't having any kind of success at all. Now when I look back at that period of time, I realize that I didn't set clear and attainable goals to follow. This was part of the reason why my business failed, because all I was doing on a daily basis was running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Don't be like me. Start setting goals in your business now so that you can track and measure your progress. The more successful you are with your goals, the more attainable goals you should set. Keep these tips in mind when marketing your products and services.

Good luck with marketing your business.
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