If you are curious about how to sell hot dogs, you've come to the right place.
This is a surprisingly lucrative business opportunity that many people overlook because it's not very "glamorous.
" It may come as a surprise to you, but did you know that Americans consume over 18 billion of these delicious meals in a year? That is on average at least 50 million being sold per day! What more is needed to convince you of the earning potentials of this career path? The evidence speaks for itself, so I've included some simple yet effective tips on your marketing and sales strategy, and how to offer food and drinks that will provide a high, steady income stream.
Here are 4 tips on how to sell hot dogs effectively.
Location, location, location
This is a surprisingly lucrative business opportunity that many people overlook because it's not very "glamorous.
" It may come as a surprise to you, but did you know that Americans consume over 18 billion of these delicious meals in a year? That is on average at least 50 million being sold per day! What more is needed to convince you of the earning potentials of this career path? The evidence speaks for itself, so I've included some simple yet effective tips on your marketing and sales strategy, and how to offer food and drinks that will provide a high, steady income stream.
Here are 4 tips on how to sell hot dogs effectively.
Location, location, location
- Where you set up your cart is crucial, because in the food industry, volume is everything.
You're not an employee; you don't get paid by the hour just for sitting around.
Whether or not you can choose a good location is often the make or break in hot dog sales. - Select a location carefully by observing the amount of traffic and customers such as outside parks, in a theme park, near office buildings and even within construction sites.
These are the hottest places to get maximum earnings as a food vendor, plus many customers will be paying you in cash, avoid credit card fees.
- Now you're probably thinking to yourself, selective working hours? What does that have to do with how to sell hot dogs? My answer is: everything.
Fortunately for you, a food vendor does not have to work 8 straight hours a day.
All they have to do is ensure that their hot dog cart is available during the busiest time periods where people search for food. - This includes breakfast hours from 7.
30 till 9.
30 in the morning, lunch hours from 11.
30 till 2 in the afternoon and dinner from 5 till 7.
30 in the evening.
If you take breaks in between, a full workday for you is not much longer than 7 hours a day, unlike the 8,9, and 10-hour workdays expected in corporate America.