- 1). Approach the Robbery House. Timmy, a young boy, will tell you that thieves have captured his parents and that he dropped the key to the house while escaping.
- 2). Look for the key on the north side of the house. Use it to open the kitchen door, located to the northeast.
- 3). Pick up the key to the bedroom. Use it to open the bedroom door, located to the northwest, where the parents are held, allowing them to escape.
- 4). Talk to the couple at the Archers' Guild. They'll tell you there's a reward in the chest in their bedroom. You'll have to kill the leader of the thieves to get the key to the cupboard, where the key to the chest is stored. The easiest way is to hit him with a Freeze spell so he can't fight back. If you can beat him (or have enough levels in Lockpick to open the chest yourself), you'll earn a nice collection of gold coins.