Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms: Week 8 of Pregnancy

Week 8 of Pregnancy – Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

Welcome to your Guide to Pregnancy – Week 8.

Your baby is growing at an incredibly fast rate and looking more and more human each and every day.  Your little one is about the size of small grape this week!  Although you most likely won't be able to hear the heartbeat from the outside your doctor can find its flutter with the use of an ultrasound.  That little fluttering heart is beating and an amazing 150 times a minute!

You may be in full force of pregnancy symptoms…or not.  Every pregnancy and woman is different.  You may experience some or all or none of these symptoms.  You may be losing some symptoms while a whole new set may be coming on. If you don't have any symptoms yet, consider yourself lucky!!

Some of the symptoms you may be experiencing are:
  • Aversions to smells and food…or you may be craving foods that you never thought twice about
  • White vaginal discharge
  • Bloating and flatulence.  Many women mistake this for "showing" but unfortunately it is more likely that you are bloated
  • Excess saliva
  • Nausea – with or without vomiting
  • Fatigue and/or lack of motivation
  • PMS-like symptoms such as weepiness, mood swings and irritability
  • Disbelief that there is actually a baby growing in your body

You may be noticing blue veins on your abdomen and breasts.  Not to worry, the map of veins that have become visible are due to enlargement of the veins as they have an increase of blood volume running through them.  Along with the map of veins you may see, along comes the spider and varicose veins.   You may notice either of these on your chest, legs, or face.  Although different conditions, both are due to the extra volume of blood coursing through your body.  Not much you can do about them, most are due to your genetic makeup.  Think of them as your badge of pregnancy heroism! 

Measuring big or small?  There are a couple of reasons for this:
  1. Your dates are not right.  You may be further along than you thought or not quite as far as you thought. 
  2. Every baby and every woman handles pregnancy differently.  Some babies go through monstrous growth spurts that can push them above the "normal" measuring and dating guidelines. 
  3. You could be carrying multiples!
  4. Measuring of your uterus is not an exact science.  Other factors like your body weight, tightness of muscles, subsequent pregnancies…all play a role in how your body reacts and changes with the pregnancy.

While most onlookers still won't notice your pregnancy, you may notice that your favorite skinny jeans are anything but.  Your breasts may have taken on a life of their own.  While your spouse may think this is a new addition to your bedroom life, be sure to let him in on the way they actually feel…tingly, tender, or painful.  Let him know prior to bedroom fun if these are off limits or not.

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