- In 2001, the U.S. Agricultural Research Service reported that camphor and menthol effectively discouraged the multicolored Asian lady beetle from entering buildings. The vapors produced by the substances irritate the beetle's sensory organs, causing impairment and discomfort that forces them from the location.
- Camphor cakes or crystals hung in stockings outside known entry points into the home can discourage beetles from entering. Because they often find a way inside around window frames, cotton balls soaked with camphor oil can discourage them from using these entryways. Replenish the oil often to maintain effectiveness.
- The best solution to the multicolored Asian lady beetle is preventing them from entering your home. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends caulking possible entry points as the best strategy. Once they enter, collecting them in a vacuum provides as effective a solution as insecticide.
Beetle Repellent
Homemade Repellents
Other Solutions