When it's time to find employees for your company, it can be advantageous to work with a recruiter because of being able to perform a retained search. This is a way to perform a job search that provides you with a better fit in your company. The recruiter will take the time to get to know you and your expectations - and then relay those to the candidate.
Getting to Know You
A recruiter wants to make sure they understand how your company works. As a result, they are going to sit in front of you and ask a variety of questions. They are going to find out what you expect out of employees as well as how you take care of them. You will be asked about:
- Employee morale
- The overall working environment
- Employee expectations
- Turnover
These are just some of the things that a recruiter may ask you about. You may also want to give them a tour of the facilities so they can relay certain information to the candidates.
Searching the Candidates
During a retained search, a recruiter is going to sift through all of the candidates to ensure they are finding people that will be able to fit into your company well. If a person is not likely going to be a good fit, you will never come face to face with them.
The recruiter is going to explain expectations to a candidate. If a candidate doesn't feel it is the right fit for them, they will move on and wait for the next potential job opening to explore with another company. By taking the time to search candidates in this manner, you are likely to reduce turnover because of finding the right fit the first time.
Search Database
Recruiters always have people coming in looking for jobs. Once they start a retained search for you, they will be able to flag candidates that qualify to work for you. The next time you need an employee, they will already have a database of people to send over to you. This can speed up the process significantly for you so you don't have to worry about taking weeks out of your schedule in order to conduct the job search.
Using a retained search is advantageous for you and the different people searching for jobs. It is something that recruiters [http://www.whitakercompanies.com/site/whitaker-qualified/] do in order to help both parties. Those that submit their resumes know they can find a job faster because of finding a good fit. Employers enjoy the process because of not having to wait long in order to have individuals in front of them to conduct final interviews with. Essentially, it's a win-win for everyone.
Call up a recruiter and find out about how to get a retained search [http://www.whitakercompanies.com/site/about-whitaker/] started. This will make it easier to get people when you need them. The search can start even before you have an opening within your company.
Getting to Know You
A recruiter wants to make sure they understand how your company works. As a result, they are going to sit in front of you and ask a variety of questions. They are going to find out what you expect out of employees as well as how you take care of them. You will be asked about:
- Employee morale
- The overall working environment
- Employee expectations
- Turnover
These are just some of the things that a recruiter may ask you about. You may also want to give them a tour of the facilities so they can relay certain information to the candidates.
Searching the Candidates
During a retained search, a recruiter is going to sift through all of the candidates to ensure they are finding people that will be able to fit into your company well. If a person is not likely going to be a good fit, you will never come face to face with them.
The recruiter is going to explain expectations to a candidate. If a candidate doesn't feel it is the right fit for them, they will move on and wait for the next potential job opening to explore with another company. By taking the time to search candidates in this manner, you are likely to reduce turnover because of finding the right fit the first time.
Search Database
Recruiters always have people coming in looking for jobs. Once they start a retained search for you, they will be able to flag candidates that qualify to work for you. The next time you need an employee, they will already have a database of people to send over to you. This can speed up the process significantly for you so you don't have to worry about taking weeks out of your schedule in order to conduct the job search.
Using a retained search is advantageous for you and the different people searching for jobs. It is something that recruiters [http://www.whitakercompanies.com/site/whitaker-qualified/] do in order to help both parties. Those that submit their resumes know they can find a job faster because of finding a good fit. Employers enjoy the process because of not having to wait long in order to have individuals in front of them to conduct final interviews with. Essentially, it's a win-win for everyone.
Call up a recruiter and find out about how to get a retained search [http://www.whitakercompanies.com/site/about-whitaker/] started. This will make it easier to get people when you need them. The search can start even before you have an opening within your company.