Health & Medical Parenting

Gross Motor Development - Why is This Important?

Gross motor might be more aptly named big muscle (like those in the legs, arms, back), and any activity involving these also helps get rid of wiggles and squirms.
So what should you expect in the way of development in the newborn? When you bring your precious baby home, she will barely be able to lift her chin.
But before she turns 4 months old, she holds her head steady.
Not only that, she begins rolling from her back to side, and even put weight on her arms when placed on her tummy.
Important note...
you have been warned against putting him to sleep on his tummy...
essential for averting Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
However, Children placed on their tummies will raise their heads sooner...
strengthening neck, back and shoulders...
prerequisites to crawling, rolling, pushing up, and eventually standing.
So how do you solve the dilemma? "Tummy Time.
" Most pediatricians recommend 30 minutes per day.
Our granddaughter did not like tummy time, so we began with as much time as she would tolerate several times a day.
She fussed and flailed and kicked, so we distracted her with brightly colored, noisy, or lighted toys.
But that flailing and kicking was building her large motor muscles.
Swings or bouncy chairs aid the strengthening of those leg muscles, and choosing ones with bright colors and music promote vision and auditory development as well.
Plus, they enable your child to be a part of the family, and that is important to you AND your newborn!
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