One aspect of labour and childbirth which most women find difficult to convey to someone else is the word of experience, simply because it is too personal.
Childbirth is naturally spontaneously joyful.
The miracle of giving birth, is something which is unique and special to every couple and their newborn babies.
Many new parent are surprised by intensity of their emotions during the birth of their newborn baby and during the first few hours of their baby's life.
Some people discover a strongenergy which helps them the physical discomfort and concentrate the baby's journey from the womb to the outside world.
Labour and childbirth are obviously and important experience for the baby, as well as for his mother or father, but his awareness of labour and the sensations of being born to this world are even more difficult for us to imagine.
Being born frightening and traumatic for a baby, or gentle wakening.
The contractions of the uterine muscle during labour are very powerful and these contraction getting more stronger.
As the muscle contract, they repeatedly hug and squeeze the baby tightly and strong, persistently urging him on his journey into a new exciting world.
Difficult to determine whether the sensations of the uterine contraction are comfortable or even more painful for the baby.
Recent research has suggested that the regular and the rhythmic contractions massage the baby firmly, helping to stimulate him and to prepare for his journey through his birth canal.
Such stimulation may also encourage the baby to function independently in his new environment.
Babies who delivered naturally have been shown to be more and more responsive than those delivered by cesarean section.
The impact of the outside world must be quite starting for a newborn baby, because it a very different environment to the one he has used to be for the last nine months.
At birth, the baby leaves the warm, dark and reassuring safety of the womb, and suddenly all at once, encounters a number of very new sensations.
No longer rely from the placenta and learn how to survive on his own.
His lung fill with a rush of air as he takes his deep breath.
Instead of being secured and supported by the confines of the uterus wall, the baby's arm and the legs are able to move freely and not able to control.
There are various ways in which parents can help to lessen the impact birth of their baby, particularly creating a caring and loving environment for their baby to be welcomed.
Such environment begins with a gentle and caring relationship between the mother and the father, and a quite understanding with the medical staff who are there to offer help.
Childbirth is naturally spontaneously joyful.
The miracle of giving birth, is something which is unique and special to every couple and their newborn babies.
Many new parent are surprised by intensity of their emotions during the birth of their newborn baby and during the first few hours of their baby's life.
Some people discover a strongenergy which helps them the physical discomfort and concentrate the baby's journey from the womb to the outside world.
Labour and childbirth are obviously and important experience for the baby, as well as for his mother or father, but his awareness of labour and the sensations of being born to this world are even more difficult for us to imagine.
Being born frightening and traumatic for a baby, or gentle wakening.
The contractions of the uterine muscle during labour are very powerful and these contraction getting more stronger.
As the muscle contract, they repeatedly hug and squeeze the baby tightly and strong, persistently urging him on his journey into a new exciting world.
Difficult to determine whether the sensations of the uterine contraction are comfortable or even more painful for the baby.
Recent research has suggested that the regular and the rhythmic contractions massage the baby firmly, helping to stimulate him and to prepare for his journey through his birth canal.
Such stimulation may also encourage the baby to function independently in his new environment.
Babies who delivered naturally have been shown to be more and more responsive than those delivered by cesarean section.
The impact of the outside world must be quite starting for a newborn baby, because it a very different environment to the one he has used to be for the last nine months.
At birth, the baby leaves the warm, dark and reassuring safety of the womb, and suddenly all at once, encounters a number of very new sensations.
No longer rely from the placenta and learn how to survive on his own.
His lung fill with a rush of air as he takes his deep breath.
Instead of being secured and supported by the confines of the uterus wall, the baby's arm and the legs are able to move freely and not able to control.
There are various ways in which parents can help to lessen the impact birth of their baby, particularly creating a caring and loving environment for their baby to be welcomed.
Such environment begins with a gentle and caring relationship between the mother and the father, and a quite understanding with the medical staff who are there to offer help.