- Before even taking a stride on the elliptical, evaluate your posture and body positioning. Your back should be in line with your hips and your spine straight (but do not clench the back). The shoulders should be relaxed, but not hunched over or pulled far back.
Whether moving or stationary, the handles should be lightly gripped. You should never lean on the handles so much that you could not let go and still be standing up straight. - Many elliptical users find that they are not properly using their legs while in motion. The legs should be driving the force of the machine, not the back or the upper body. Your heels should be kept down and move the pedals. The balls of your feet should not be the source of force, as this makes the body work less and can even cause tingling in the feet due to improper use.
- Bouncing on the elliptical is one of the single biggest mistakes an elliptical user can make. By bouncing the upper body, the body wastes needless energy in sustaining the elliptical motion. Bouncing also strains the knees, back and hips. The upper body should barely move while on the elliptical; therefore, the body should be kept still, yet upright. An elliptical user may find she is able to use the elliptical at a faster pace by keeping the upper body more still.
Start With a Straight Spine
Beginning Motion
Say Goodbye to the Bounce