- Sporangium fungus reproduces through a structure called a sporangia. It is a round, hard case that holds thousands of spores. It also reproduces sexually through a structure called a zygospore.
- Zygospores are thick-walled resting spores formed from the union of two different hyphae, which are long, branching filament-like fungal cells. The two hyphae exchange DNA to form a nucleus that multiplies several times. A thick wall forms around the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
- Hyphae are thread-like structures that grow on food sources. They absorb water, minerals and food.
- Hyphae have more than one nucleus as well as cross walls. The cytoplasm can pass between the cross walls.
- Sporangium fungus causes the growth of mold on bread. Spores land on the surface and produce hyphae, which spread throughout the bread. At the tip of hyphae are the sporangia.
Cell Structure