- 1). Use old tractor tires for a classic raised garden bed for flowers. Set tire in desired location, fill to top of inner rim of tire with a mixture of topsoil and potting soil. Plant your choice of colorful flowers for this timeless look.
- 2). Make a sandbox for your children or grandchildren by filling an old tractor tire with sand. Locate in an area of the yard where you can easily keep an eye on the kids.
Find river sand or beach sand for the tractor tire sandbox at gardening and/or landscape stores. Avoid purchasing very fine sand that gives off a lot of dust which can be inhaled. Go to safesand.com on the internet if none can be found locally. - 3). Use an old tractor tire as a handy container to keep the compost tidy. Locate in a corner of the backyard. Add composting materials daily and stir frequently.
- 4). Tie a sturdy rope securely to an old tractor tire to make the classic tire swing. Choose a limb of a tree that can hold the weight of at least two full grown adults. Ensure the surrounding area is free of hazards and inspect the rope and limb often for safety.