Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Choose Your Baby"s Gender - Tips to Having the Bouncing Baby Boy You Desperately Want

How would it feel to have the power to choose baby gender? And, not by any unethical means either.
It does not require you to have a permission slip from the powers that be and it doesn't require making special trips to your doctor's office to manipulate the reproductive process.
It's actually quite simple and all-natural.
Did you know that changing just a few of the things in your daily routine, can determine what gender of baby you conceive.
If you want to conceive a baby boy, there are actual elements that can make that highly likely.
Let me give you a little insight to just a few of the role players in this process I learn about and helped me.
Food Consumption - This is HUGE.
Foods are naturally full of vitamins and nutrients.
However, did you know that some of these nutrients with assist you in staking the odds in your favor enabling you to choose baby gender? For example, eating a diet of at least 2,000 calories a day and also rich in potassium and sodium is vital when trying to conceive a boy.
So eating plenty of fruits like strawberries and bananas will give you a great leg up on your potassium intake.
Timing of Ovulation - Knowing when you are going to ovulate is probably the most important factor, so tracking when you do is crucial.
Let me explain why briefly.
Male sperm, or Y-sperm, are fast swimmers but die off faster.
Female sperm, or X-sperm, swimmer slower, but maintain their lives longer.
So, if you are wanting to choose baby gender and want to conceive a boy, having intercourse as close to ovulation is ideal.
This allows those quick little Y guys to still be alive and swimming near the egg.
Intercourse Position - Yes, you guessed it, intercourse position is key as well.
You know how I just said that the male sperm are quick swimmer, but don't live long.
Well, besides having intercourse as close to ovulation as possible, the position will also help those little Y guys out as well.
Choosing a position that allows a deposit of male sperm as close to the end as possible, will give you a better chance at having a boy.
Since they are fast but die off quickly, let's make sure the distance traveled is short and fast.
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