- Throughout American history, municipal governments have consisted of a basic power structure to implement local laws and ensure government is operating smoothly to provide services to the community. Municipal governments are supervised by city, town or community council members. They are also called aldermen, trustees or commissioners in some communities. The city council is responsible for hiring an administrator, often called a city manager, to implement their policies and run the day-to-day operations of the municipal government, according to the Junto Society. Smaller cities might have as few as five council members, including a mayor, each representing a specific district. Larger cities might have more.
- A council member must attend weekly or bi-monthly public meetings to conduct city business. The council member must read the council agenda packages, which includes municipal staff reports on city projects, ordinance proposals, and zoning and land use issues. Council members must attend annual budget meetings and implement a spending and revenue policy. The person must vote on issues pending before the council and should articulate his reasons for the vote to the public. Council members are required to attend private meetings, often called closed sessions, to participate in the decision-making process involving city-related litigation or personnel issues. City council members can, as the entire council, hire or fire the city manager. They can appoint local residents to commissions, such as planning and parks and recreation, and other panels.
- There are no education or required skill sets for a municipal council person. Council candidates, however, must typically be elected and an education, especially in a field related to government, administration or law, might help the candidates get elected. To be elected, candidates must meet filing deadlines to run for office. They also must obtain the required number of voter signatures on a nominating petition that include an affidavit of identity. Candidates must file campaign disclosure statements.
- The work of a city council member may or may not have an office at city hall, depending on the size of the city. Council members usually work in the council chambers at city hall. They are often required to participate in outdoor community events to represent their district. They must demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and diplomacy when engaged in heated debates. Dealing with constituents on contentious issues can be particularly demanding and require patience. A disciplined work ethic is required to meet deadlines.
- City councilmen can earn as much as $179,000 annually in Los Angeles or as little as a $500-a-month stipend in a rural community. Outside urban centers, most city councils pay members a modest stipend and expense account. Pasadena, Calif., city council members receive a stipend of about $1,300 per month. Pasadena’s mayor receives about $2,000 per month. Pasadena has a population of about 135,000.
Education and Requirements
Work Environment