Travel & Places Travel & Places

2 Ways to Tack Your Sailboat Quickly and Smoothly

There are two ways to tack a sailboat: by tacking the mainsail or tacking the jib.
Knowing how to do each will help you enjoy quick and smooth sailing.
Tacking a sailboat with the right wind conditions makes sailing easier and a lot more fun.
Tacking your sailboat aligns your boat according to the wind direction.
There are two ways to tack a sailboat.
When you master them, your time out on the water will be much more enjoyable and relaxing.
Tacking with the mainsail The first thing you must do to prepare for this tack is sheet the mainsail tight and sail close to the wind without losing any boat speed.
Alert your crew with the traditional command "Ready about!" when you are planning to tack so they can synchronize their movements.
It is important that you pay attention while in the tacking position.
Your body must be free from all ropes and other equipment so that you can efficiently perform the tacking action and avoid putting the boat in a position that will blow it off course.
When ready, alert and signal the crew with the traditional "Hard alee!" command so they will know that you are pushing the tiller to the lee side for the boat to tack.
Both the boom and the mainsail will cross the centerline and the sail will fill the other side of the boat as it turns.
So the boat can turn smoothly, have the crew move to the opposite side of the boat so their weight is on the appropriate side.
As the full tack is finished you can smoothly steer the boat.
Do not over-steer further away from the other side of the wind or your boat could capsize.
Tacking with the jib Tacking with the jib is similar to tacking the sailboat with the mainsail.
However, you need to complete some additional steps.
In preparing to turn, you must ready the jib sheets.
The sheet that is released during the tack must be the one in use and the other one must be quickly brought in while the jib is crossing to the other side.
You must remember to alert the crew so they will know when to keep the other jib sheet.
When the jib is blown backward during the turn, quickly release the jib sheet, Make sure it doesn't get stuck on or caught in any lines.
Also have someone from your crew trim down the other jib sheet in order for it not to flap loose which will decrease the boat's speed.
Larger sailboats will require a crew member to crank the jib sheet down with a winch.
Just as you would when tacking the mainsail, you must pay close attention to the wind attributes at all times while participating in this water sport.
Ready your sail and practice regularly to master complete control when tacking your sailboat.
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