Travel & Places Travel & Places

Go Whitewater Rafting In Queensland

Once in a while we do feel like we could go somewhere and not care about anything else. Where we could leave behind a safe and cozy world, and get a taste of thrill and potential danger.

Various adventure sports let us be heroes and heroines for a while, a James Cook or Scott in our little world. Australia, a primeval world that shakes hands with the extremes of nature, is a perfect setting for many of these sports. Whitewater rafting is an adventure sports that has gained wide popularity at a time when people ensconced in their placid life want a little bit of tumult.

Queensland, in the north-east of Australia, provides some of the world's greatest opportunities for whitewater rafting. With the Great Barrier Reef on one side and a timeless rainforest on the other, the territory in between is ruled by the uncharted fury of untamed rivers. These rivers have fed the forests and the oceans for eons, and are now feeding man's desire for thrill.

There are many rivers running through the rainforest and nearby area that capture the lush tropical rain. In addition the So, when they pass by unspoilt forest land, they do so with a fury that seems paradoxical in the calm ambience. Of course, not all of the rivers and streams rush with the same ferocity. Some gently amble, some kiss by the trees swiftly, some raise your goosebumps and some make you wish you didn't come to Australia at all! With a rafting difficulty classification ranging from Class I to a hair raising Class V that only the experienced or the reckless can fathom, these rivers can give you world class rafting experiences.

While whitewater rafting can be pretty dangerous, professionally run events ensure the highest level of safety. Even though fatalities are few and far between, every participant must sign on a liability form acknowledging the danger inherent. The Class I and II waters are very safe and large rafts carrying more than a dozen people amble by to the merriment of the riders. But the whiter waters test the experience, talents and bravado of those choosing to come. The danger level, on the other hand, are not cast in rock, and with greater taming of river and better infrastructure, tend to come down in classification.

Whitewater rafting options in Queensland near Cairns are many. There are half day adventures, and there are one day adventures. You can opt for multiple day adventures, ranging from two to six days, even travelling into remote launching points by helicopter.

You can choose your difficulty level as well, which differ from stretch to stretch, and river to river. Correspondingly the price of the rafting tours can also differ - one service provider lists packages starting below $100 and goes beyond $1000. While most rivers in and around Daintree are suitable for whitewater rafting - after all, they would anyway fall somewhere in that Class I to Class VI classification - the Barron River, the Tully River and the North Johnstone River provide the maximum opportunities and are most favored by service providers. A longish trip on the Tully River, for example, will bring you face to face with as many as 45 rapids.

Queensland is an enchanting land with many attractions. Staying in Cairns you are spoilt for choice. You can bungee jump, sky dive, scuba dive, mountain bike, sail, do sea kayaking or much else. There are many service providers who provide white water rafting facilities with guided rafting as well. Whitewater rafting remains a novelty for many, but it is a novelty that will likely make you forget everything else while you feel it.

We take no responsibility for inaccuracy or omissions in the information provided, which is not intended as specific advice. Before relying on the material, you should obtain appropriate professional advice relevant to your individual circumstances to evaluate accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance of the information to your specific needs.
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