New ideas hurt some minds the same as new shoes hurt some feet - What kind of shoes have you been trying on lately? Do you Tweet on Twitter? Is your Face on Facebook? Are you Linking on LinkedIn? What in the World is a Webinar? All of these new tools and ideas for business can seem a bit like a new pair of shoes.
Everyone's buying them, they look great on other people, you might even already have a pair but when you put them on for size they just don't feel so right.
Not yet anyway.
You have the tools at your disposal, but are you taking advantage of all of the things they can do for you? To get more comfortable in these new shoes or methods of marketing your business you just need to close the gap between the known and the unknown.
It's much easier than it sounds.
Why are we here? Before we learn how to use these tools we need to grasp why we do it.
You may say "I have no interest in tweeting on Twitter".
That may very well be true but do you want to get noticed? get free PR? further your business and keep connected with your new and old contacts? Of course you do.
Then maybe you really do want to Tweet on Twitter since that is one of the new tools of business.
Using these social networking sites doesn't guarantee the success of your business but once you know why you should do it, then you should learn how.
Learning - What does it mean anyway? It has been said that learning is the creation of a relationship between two things.
The two key factors are the known and the unknown.
Sometimes that may feel like putting on a new pair of shoes.
But as we all know, once you've broken them in, you wear them with ease.
They actually feel good! You wonder, how did I ever live without them.
Why Rapid Learning? As the world is rapidly changing our methods of learning need to change.
If we don't adjust how we learn and how quickly we adapt, we will be left behind.
Ask for Help! Just as you are willing to help others and refer new ideas and services to your friends and colleagues, there are a host of people waiting to do the same for you.
But if you don't ask for help, how will they ever know what you need.
Ask friends in your social networks and you can access a group of experts waiting to help advance your business.
With a few quick tips from eHOW, set up your accounts today on: 1.
Twitter 2.
Facebook 3.
LinkedIn Once you try on these new shoes and break them in you'll gain confidence as technology contiues to change.
The next pair may not hurt so much.
Everyone's buying them, they look great on other people, you might even already have a pair but when you put them on for size they just don't feel so right.
Not yet anyway.
You have the tools at your disposal, but are you taking advantage of all of the things they can do for you? To get more comfortable in these new shoes or methods of marketing your business you just need to close the gap between the known and the unknown.
It's much easier than it sounds.
Why are we here? Before we learn how to use these tools we need to grasp why we do it.
You may say "I have no interest in tweeting on Twitter".
That may very well be true but do you want to get noticed? get free PR? further your business and keep connected with your new and old contacts? Of course you do.
Then maybe you really do want to Tweet on Twitter since that is one of the new tools of business.
Using these social networking sites doesn't guarantee the success of your business but once you know why you should do it, then you should learn how.
Learning - What does it mean anyway? It has been said that learning is the creation of a relationship between two things.
The two key factors are the known and the unknown.
Sometimes that may feel like putting on a new pair of shoes.
But as we all know, once you've broken them in, you wear them with ease.
They actually feel good! You wonder, how did I ever live without them.
Why Rapid Learning? As the world is rapidly changing our methods of learning need to change.
If we don't adjust how we learn and how quickly we adapt, we will be left behind.
Ask for Help! Just as you are willing to help others and refer new ideas and services to your friends and colleagues, there are a host of people waiting to do the same for you.
But if you don't ask for help, how will they ever know what you need.
Ask friends in your social networks and you can access a group of experts waiting to help advance your business.
With a few quick tips from eHOW, set up your accounts today on: 1.
Twitter 2.
Facebook 3.
LinkedIn Once you try on these new shoes and break them in you'll gain confidence as technology contiues to change.
The next pair may not hurt so much.