Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

A Hair Loss Remedy That Works

There are currently about 40 million men in the US that have been classified as balding or bald.
If you are one of these people suffering the embarrassing jokes about your hair then read this article to find out about a great hair loss remedy that can actually help you to keep what hair you have left and hopefully re-grow some hair you have lost.
The vast majority of men who suffer the embarrassment of hair loss have a genetic condition known as male pattern baldness(MPB) or Androgenetic Alopecia.
This preponderance for hair loss is passed down with genes from either the mother or the father.
It used to be believed that only ancestors on the mother's side with balding issues were a marker for a man's chances to develop MPB but it is now known that the gene for premature hair loss can actually be transferred from either parent.
Several effective hair loss remedies that treat this condition, and is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, has as its active ingredient the drug Minoxidil.
Minoxidil attacks the actual cause of the hair loss which is a build up of the hormonal metabolite DHT on the hair follicles.
DHT is derived from the male hormone testosterone and is known to affect hair loss by rendering the patient's hair follicles ineffective at growing hair shaft material.
Basically, the hair follicle or roots of the hare are connected to the blood supply of the scalp area.
The blood supply provides oxygen and nutritional substances to the hair follicle which then converts these into hair shaft material.
As more material is produced the hair shaft is continually pushed out of the scalp and this is how your hair grows.
When a person has active Male Pattern Baldness, or Female Pattern Baldness, some of the hair follicles have their manufacturing abilities interrupted.
As the follicles produce less and less hair, the shaft becomes thinner and thinner which eventually causes it to break off and fall out.
This gives you the result of thinning hair and eventually baldness in that area.
For men the balding usually occurs at the hair line, top of the head, and crown area.
The name pattern baldness comes from the fact that there is a normal pattern to the areas with loss that is repeated from man to man.
You almost never see a man with a bald spot on the back of his head because this condition does not effect that area.
The Minoxidil will actually help to increase the flow of blood to the follicles and thus allow them to continue to produce hair shaft material.
If used early enough it can also revitalize some of the hair follicles that have been forced into dormancy by the DHT.
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