- Caladiums are prone to infestation from aphids. The very small pests with soft bodies come in a variety of colors depending on species. All aphids are pear-shaped and have long legs and antennae. Some aphids have waxy or woolly bodies.
- Aphids have long, slender, piercing mouths, and they suck plant sap or juice from tender plant areas. The pests are found in large population on foliage undersides. Damage is characterized by curling, browning and yellowing foliage. Plant growth is gradually stunted. The insects secrete a sticky substance that leads to the development of sooty mold fungus on plants.
- You can use predatory insects like parasitic wasps to control aphids in plants. Other beneficial insects include lacewings, syrphid flies and lady beetles. Fungicidal control options include the use of acephate, permethrin and malathion.