- Crepes are delicious little pancakes that can be used for desserts or main courses. Since they make it easy to create these little delicacies, crepe makers are becoming more popular in kitchens around the world. Using this appliance, a chef can form and cook uniform crepes.
- Although crepes consist of just a few ingredients, they can be tricky to make. The batter must be spread while cooking to make the paper thin version that is prized by crepe enthusiasts. Crepes can be made in a regular non-stick skillet, but they often turn out too thick, and its difficult to manipulate and remove thinner crepes from a skillet. as even slight pressure can tear the crepe.
- Crepe makers are designed to cook the crepe evenly and quickly at an appropriate temperature, reducing the need to manipulate the crepe as you would in the skillet. The device is also designed to release the crepe easily, as opposed to the skillet method in which a fork or spatula must be used to loosen the edges of the crepe. This manipulation often results in tearing.
- The electric griddle style crepe maker resembles a round griddle with slightly rounded sides. It plugs into a standard outlet. When the unit is heated, the chef pours the batter onto the crepe griddle and spreads it out with a wooden spatula until the batter goes up the rounded sides a bit. As the crepe cooks, the chef loosens its edges with the spatula and slides it out as soon as it is finished.
- The other type of crepe maker looks like an upside-down frying pan and works like a finely tuned skillet. The chef dips the heated flat part of the concave pan into crepe batter. Once the thin batter layer sticks to the heated metal, the chef flips over the crepe maker onto the stovetop to finish cooking. When the crepe is ready, it slides off the inverted pan with a little jiggle from the chef.
Introduction to Crepe Makers
Challenging Crepes
Crepe Makers to the Rescue
Press Crepe Maker
Inverted Pan Crepe Maker