A "ball retriever," or "golf ball retriever," is a tool most commonly carried, naturally, by golfers who hit a lot of balls into the water. A ball retriever is essentially a long pole with a small scoop or net on the end that allows a player to reach into a water hazard to retrieve golf balls that would otherwise be lost.
Ball retrievers aren't just for nabbing water balls, though. Golfers with bad backs might use them so they can avoid bending over as much.
Anyone can use a ball retriever to scoop up balls without, for example, needing to step out of a riding cart, or to reach into high grass or thick bushes in search of a golf ball.
Ball retrievers are usually constructed of a telescoping metal or hard plastic, which allows them to fit inside a golf bag but then extend to a much greater reach.
Low-scoring golfers tend to scoff at the use of ball retrievers and at a golfers who use them. But if you're a recreational golfer just out to have fun, or an older golfer with back problems, or anyone on a tight budget who needs to find golf balls to keep playing, there's no shame in owning one. If using a ball retriever makes golf easier or more enjoyable for you, then use one - and don't worry about what Mr. Low Handicapper might think.
One of the most common jokes among golfers is this one: "My golf game is so bad I had to have my ball retriever regripped."
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