Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Nationalism in England

Ernst Moritz Arndt said in The War of Liberation that "The most beautiful thing about all this holy zeal and happy confusion was that all differences of position, class, and age were forgotten...
that the one great feeling for the Fatherland, its freedom and honor, swallowed all other feelings, caused all other considerations and relationships to be forgotten.
" An obsession over restoring memories of the nations past became a sort of idealism that swallowed the hearts of Europe especially the German Idealists.
Socialism in modern history is an extension of both Liberalism and Nationalism.
Socialists recognized the great divide of wealth between the elite and commoners.
In the spirit of the Enlightenment the Socialists demanded equality and ended the injustice.
On the principles of the Enlightenment the Socialists pushed the transformation of society with scientifically valid premises.
Through sharing resources (streamlined tax collections) and rational change the Socialists were beginning to create a moderately efficient system that their society could move forward with.
The socialists also had Romantic ideals as they were working towards a new social order with dreams of creating a utopia.
It is strange how everything was spurred into movement through individualism but a lot of that was given up with the presence of Socialism as well as Nationalism.
Karl Marx was able to build a lot of the traction in the Socialist movement by raising awareness to what was happening.
In Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto he stated that Perry said in his novel"Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat (industrial workers).
"Karl Marx was able to raise great awareness by presenting these major problems which eventually would lead to action.
Conservatives detested all of these movements that were based on society as a theoretical model.
In regards to the statement that the Conservatives were victorious after the Revolutions of 1848 is also invalid.
The wealthy or those in power would obviously be skeptical of anything that would take away what they perceived as birth rights or denounce the historical setting and their place in society.
I say that this is invalid because whatever battle they won at the time has been slowly stripped away over the years.
Conservatives scoffed at equality as it did not take into account their rich history.
In the end Conservatism just limited the reach of the Enlightenment.
The tradition of power in societies is still the largest obstacle in the way of reformers.
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