Health & Medical Nutrition

Junk Food and Anxiety

Junk Food and Anxiety

Do you know how much junk food you are eating every single day? And do you understand that junk food is really junk?
It is not only junk for our physical well being. It is also junk food for our overall well being or its contrary. In fact, many of the foods you intake every single day, contribute to your not well being. It may contribute to your various difficulties at a physical and at a mental level, not to mention your psychical and emotional level.. It has been renowned now for some decades that the human being consists of various parts: the physical body, the brain with the mental and its spiritual part And not to be forgotten, the emotional part. You cannot take these as single parts of a person as they are just intrinsic of the person. They all need fuel in order to function well. Good fuel is not junk food. Good fuel is not necessarily organic food but it is natural food. Natural food means food stuff that has not been processed. Food that can be consumed either in its raw form or, if prepared and cooked, prepared and cooked in a simple way. Without the addition of too much oil and/or flour nor of too much sugar, especially the white one.
It means that our food should not be deep fried..Among the deep fried junk food we find especially French fries. These are mostly prepared with low quality oils. And often with exhausted oils that have been used many times to deep fry whatever came their way. If you prepare your meals at home, you can eat French fries once in a while because you know that if you use fresh and quality oil, it's ok. Another often encountered junk food is hamburgers. Again, they are deep fried. The quality of the meat is often very bad.
Just a word about the components of junk food: if taken separately, the ingredients of junk food may even be normal food. It is the way of their treatment, processing and cooking which often creates junk food. If you cooked your potatoes in a steamer or had them transform in hash browns, they certainly would not be junk food but highly valuable food. The same can be said of hamburgers. If you cook the individual parts of the hamburger mixture, separating the meats and cook them as short fried meat to eat together with pasta and without adding any ketchup, but maybe just a fresh tomato, you can eat a satiable, healthy meal.
And it can go on and on.
Apart from the salty junk foods, there is a huge range of sweets that are nothing else but junk. When you are suffering from anxiety or panic attacks, you often eat these junk sweets because they give you immediate satisfaction. However, the satisfaction does not last long and so you put more of them into your stomach. What you are not aware of is that this sweet stuff gives you too much sugar and hardened fats. Both these food stuffs are no good for you. Especially if you tend to put on weight, you should watch it and not eat these sweets. Sugar has a tendency to be transformed by your body into fat. And the hardened fats are dangerous for your heart. So, stay away from these kinds of sweets. It is better for you to eat a fresh fruit. It satisfies you as far as your hunger for sweet is concerned and it gives your body what it needs. Instead of a fruit, you could also eat a handful of nuts. They give you a wealth of good nutrients and satisfy your longing for sweets.
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