Discovering you have a kidney stone is a bad enough shock. And the realization your options are as unwelcome as your stone will only add to your distress. Fortunately you have a viable alternative choice in the form of a kidney stone natural remedy.
Once your physician confirms what you will already know, they may simply recommend you go home and drink plenty of water. Unfortunately, that's probably too late.
You see, drinking very little pure water is one of the reasons your stone developed in the first place, but drinking vast amounts of water now may only exacerbate your discomfort. That's because the stone is probably obstructing the passage between your kidney and the outside world - making urinating very difficult or even painful.
If your stone is causing an infection and so giving rise to concern, your doctor may schedule you for observation in the hospital, with a view to some form of surgical procedure.
These days, cutting into the kidney is avoided because this can impair the future performance of this delicate and vital organ. So an alternative treatment, called ESWL (extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy), is now often used instead. Here the stone is bombarded with ultrasound shock waves which shatter it into tiny pieces. These can then be flushed painless out of the body.
This procedure is carried out without making an incision. Consequently, this doesn't normally require an overnight stay in hospital, although recovery may take a few days, during which time you'll experience bruising and minor discomfort and, possibly, blood in your urine.
Alternatively, you may be offered a course of painkillers or other medication. This may only reduce the symptoms without actually doing anything to remove the stone from your body, in the hope it will eventually pass of its own accord. Of course, this isn't without its own problems, as even simple painkillers - have a well documented track record of unpleasant side effects.
It's therefore reassuring that you have at your fingertips a safe, swift and cheap kidney stone natural remedy. This simply requires some everyday grocery items, which you may very well have in your kitchen, right now. If not, you'll readily find them in your local convenience store. And the good news is they will only run about ten dollars.
This natural method is very safe and effective, because it simply dissolves the stone. And - once the stone is reduced in size - the pain will moderate. Then, as the stone continues to dissolve and shrink it will begin to slip down the narrow tube (the urinary tract) between your kidney and your bladder. Once this stage is reached the procedure moves to stage two to help it on its way by painlessly flushing it into the bladder.
Once safely in the bladder, you'll no longer be aware of it and will be free of all pain. But the stone will continue to silently dissolve away and break down into tiny sand-like particles, which will be flushed harmlessly and unnoticed out of your body, when you visit the bathroom.
Contrast that with the possible cost and unpleasantness of surgical procedures or harsh pharmaceuticals and it's a no-brainer. What's more, you'll likely find the pain will start to subside in hours and your stone should pass through safely into the bladder within the day.
After that, some simple changes to your lifestyle and diet will ensure you never need to call on your kidney stone natural remedy again!
Once your physician confirms what you will already know, they may simply recommend you go home and drink plenty of water. Unfortunately, that's probably too late.
You see, drinking very little pure water is one of the reasons your stone developed in the first place, but drinking vast amounts of water now may only exacerbate your discomfort. That's because the stone is probably obstructing the passage between your kidney and the outside world - making urinating very difficult or even painful.
If your stone is causing an infection and so giving rise to concern, your doctor may schedule you for observation in the hospital, with a view to some form of surgical procedure.
These days, cutting into the kidney is avoided because this can impair the future performance of this delicate and vital organ. So an alternative treatment, called ESWL (extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy), is now often used instead. Here the stone is bombarded with ultrasound shock waves which shatter it into tiny pieces. These can then be flushed painless out of the body.
This procedure is carried out without making an incision. Consequently, this doesn't normally require an overnight stay in hospital, although recovery may take a few days, during which time you'll experience bruising and minor discomfort and, possibly, blood in your urine.
Alternatively, you may be offered a course of painkillers or other medication. This may only reduce the symptoms without actually doing anything to remove the stone from your body, in the hope it will eventually pass of its own accord. Of course, this isn't without its own problems, as even simple painkillers - have a well documented track record of unpleasant side effects.
It's therefore reassuring that you have at your fingertips a safe, swift and cheap kidney stone natural remedy. This simply requires some everyday grocery items, which you may very well have in your kitchen, right now. If not, you'll readily find them in your local convenience store. And the good news is they will only run about ten dollars.
This natural method is very safe and effective, because it simply dissolves the stone. And - once the stone is reduced in size - the pain will moderate. Then, as the stone continues to dissolve and shrink it will begin to slip down the narrow tube (the urinary tract) between your kidney and your bladder. Once this stage is reached the procedure moves to stage two to help it on its way by painlessly flushing it into the bladder.
Once safely in the bladder, you'll no longer be aware of it and will be free of all pain. But the stone will continue to silently dissolve away and break down into tiny sand-like particles, which will be flushed harmlessly and unnoticed out of your body, when you visit the bathroom.
Contrast that with the possible cost and unpleasantness of surgical procedures or harsh pharmaceuticals and it's a no-brainer. What's more, you'll likely find the pain will start to subside in hours and your stone should pass through safely into the bladder within the day.
After that, some simple changes to your lifestyle and diet will ensure you never need to call on your kidney stone natural remedy again!