- Projects can show students how disciplines as diverse as English, science and math are interrelated. Projects can be developed to accommodate almost any curriculum. For example, a math teacher in an Austin, Texas, middle school built a life-sized model of a shark with his middle-school students, who learned all of the skills that accompany the planning and implementation of such a project and were engaged in the process. The students enjoyed the recognition the project garnered and gained confidence in their abilities.
- When students practice skills in a realistic setting, they are more likely to see the big picture behind what they are learning. Field-based learning provides students with that opportunity. Although field trips are a part of field-based learning, an innovative program gives students a chance to perform work in a real-life setting. For example, students who are learning about ancient history might spend time working on an archeological dig in the area.
- Mentoring is an innovative practice being implemented in schools across the nation. Often, mentoring consists of experienced teachers assisting teachers who are new to the field. Mentoring programs that train students to mentor other students are on the rise, however. Student mentors can help new students to integrate into the school, assist in conflict resolution and do peer tutoring. Mentoring provides students with the opportunity to be leaders and can help unify a student body.
- Many schools in third-world countries around the world are working to become self-sufficient, as this will ensure their survival. In the United States, self-sufficiency is an idea that can free schools from unwelcome regulation such as state-mandated tests. Self-sufficient schools require students and teachers to maintain the buildings and grounds as well as work to produce a marketable product. Most often, this involves agriculture. Students in self-sufficient schools have the opportunity to learn economics, agriculture, marketing and other skills in a authentic environment.
Project-Based Learning
Field-Based Learning