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What Do On Page Search Engine Optimization Packages Provide?

Search engine optimization packages offer two different kinds of services, on page optimization and off page optimization. Everything that goes on within the site or the web pages of the site is referred to as on page optimization. This involves optimization of the text content, setting up of navigation structure and optimizing title tags and anchor tags. There are plenty of tricks and strategies that go behind optimizing a website. On page search engine optimization is specifically targeted towards making your site load faster. When your site doesnt load soon enough, users tend to drift away as most people dont show the patience to wait for a long time for a website to open. Light weight websites load faster, by ensuring that they use less plug-ins, reducing the size of images used on the website if at all required and by avoiding flash content and Java Script code as much as possible.

Search engine optimization packages also provide on page optimization through internal linking, which is a very important aspect of any website. The search engine rankings tend to go up, when users can clearly see the structure of your website and navigate with ease. Besides, when you link pages internally, you are showing that they are connected and hence interrelated. More internal links and less outbound links would help in retaining visitors to your website as well. In fact, there are some plug-ins that automatically add internal links within different posts of your website.

On page optimization is as much about aesthetics as it is about using technology and smart techniques. Websites that have a very user friendly interface and an aesthetic, clean and structured look and feel tend to attract more visitors and retain them. There should be posts which are accessible through other links. Your pages shouldnt have any broken links due to deleted posts or web pages. Tagging is also important as search engine algorithms rank pages based on tags as well, amongst other factors. It helps to divide different posts on your website under different tags, so that navigation becomes easier as well. Search engine optimization packages also involving optimizing the URL, which is keyword rich and tells the search engine what the post is all about. Once again, blog sites provide settings to customize the URLs instead of putting meaningless numbers that cannot be memorized by users either.

Search engine optimization packages also involve on page optimization through submitting sitemap URL to give search engines information as to what to index and what not to. Creating new optimized web pages and optimizing title tags, meta tags and anchor tags is all part of the on page optimization process. Any given post should be based on keywords, with the most important keyword used in the heading too. A bigger font heading is also advisable. If you have to use too many images, you might need to optimize the images as well to make sure that search engine spiders rank your pages high in terms of relevancy to a particular search phrase.
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