Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Harnessing Your Life Force by Barbara Mahaffey

What if you could remain in a constant state of calm, even in life's most difficult circumstances? It is a well-known fact that people cannot change others, nor the current state of the world.
The world we live in is a direct result of the billions and billions of choices and decisions made by mankind throughout time.
Each decision leads to a result, and still, the process goes on.
In Harnessing Your Life Force by Barbara Mahaffey, you will learn how to change your own life, how you react to your circumstances, and remain unchanged when things are not at their best.
This guide teaches you how to eliminate stress in all areas of your body with one simple technique.
It teaches you how to let go of all the anxieties, worries, and fears that you've held onto so tightly over the years.
All the old "ego imprints" that you've developed while growing up are automatically put to rest.
In Harnessing Your Life Force by Barbara Mahaffey, you'll develop a new path in life and discover a new you.
You'll come to the ultimate understanding that a new you can do anything that they want in life, without being affected by outside circumstances.
Another thing that this guide talks about is how to set healthy boundaries with everyone in your life (even the one's you cherish the most), and say "no.
" Although you may have dear friends and close relatives, many of them may not know their limits.
You've got work to do, and still, people are making constant demands on you.
You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so you give into their demands, without putting yourself first.
Consequently, you fall behind and end up with even more bodily and mental stress, and you may also feel like a failure at the end of the day because you didn't do what you needed to get done.
In Harnessing Your Life Force by Barbara Mahaffey, you'll learn how to stand up for yourself and refuse others when it is necessary.
You won't have to worry about getting behind or hurting the feelings of others.
Stress brings everyone down and destroys relationships.
The sadness of the situation is that people unintentionally destroy their own personal relationships everyday.
For example, let's say that you're really stressed over a certain deadline that your boss has set for you.
In addition to the work you must get done, you've also got multiple children to take care of, a spouse to attend to, and a house to clean.
You know that if you don't meet this deadline, it's the end of your career.
As a result, you end up lashing out at everyone around.
You're trying to focus, but you're scatterbrained.
Why? Because you're stressed out and unable to effectively focus your energies in the right direction.
Your life is in chaos, and you can't function.
Did you mean to lash out at everyone? Of course not.
Unfortunately, stress is not only felt internally, but shown on the outside as well.
Harnessing Your Life Force by Barbara Mahaffey will help you to focus your energies the right way and eliminate stress for good.
When you grasp onto who you really are and align your life in accordance to your goals, everything falls into place.
You develop a better attitude, which makes you more likeable by everyone in general.
Sure, there will still be "bad" days, but at least you'll know how to handle them better as they occur.
Developing tact and learning to set boundaries with people is necessary for a healthy state of mind as well.
It removes guilt, and let's everyone know that although you would love to do whatever it is they are asking of you, you can't.
With the right attitude, they will understand.
Harnessing Your Life Force by Barbara Mahaffey can help anyone get their lives back for good.
Instead of being a slave to what everyone else wants - or even worse - what everyone else wants for you, you do what you want, when you want.
Everything flows in harmony the way it should, and all is well.
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