Karate is well-known for being a disciplined sport, although many people are still a little surprised when they learn how much of a culture the martial arts world really is.
There is certain etiquette involved with taking karate classes, so here is a little guide on some of the general "rule of thumb" proper etiquette observed in a typical karate dojo.
Why is Etiquette Important? First, why is etiquette important in the martial arts? One reason karate schools follow strict guidelines of etiquette and discipline is simply because it is part of the martial arts heritage; it is a tradition.
That being said though, there are some very practical reasons why karate instructors implement this into their curriculum.
Proper etiquette in class teaches discipline, respect, and courtesy.
It teaches students to have respect for themselves and for others.
Good etiquette also fosters pride in yourself and in your martial arts school.
What is Proper Etiquette? 1.
Don't Be Late You will notice that some of the proper etiquette for martial arts class is just proper etiquette and common courtesy in general.
When you are late to class it shows disrespect for the instructor and the other students in class.
It can also be disruptive to those who were on time and it is disruptive to your own training as well.
Sometimes though, being late is unavoidable.
So if you are late then ask for permission to enter the training floor.
Don't assume that you can just jump straight into class as soon as you walk in the door.
For your own safety and the safety of others you may have to wait a minute before you can join the class.
The instructor may also need to adjust partnering or the line-up to accommodate you depending on what is going on in the class at the time.
Just wait patiently by the edge of the training mat until you get permission to join in.
This will show respect for the instructor and the other students.
If you know in advance that you are going to be late to a class or that you will need to leave class early then let your instructor know.
This will allow them to plan and adequately prepare to accommodate the needs of you and the other students in that class to assure that you get the best training possible.
It also shows the instructor that you value their time and don't want to disrupt your training or anyone else's training.
Use Respectful Language When you attend karate class you will need to use respectful language.
Many times karate instructors will have a special title that you will call them by.
For example, your instructor may go by the title Master, or use a title for "master" in a different language like "Sensei" in Japanese or "Sabomnim" in Korean.
Make sure that you use the proper title when referring to your instructor.
It is also common courtesy in a martial arts dojo to use last name and title for your classmates and assistant instructors.
For example, instead of calling John Smith by the name of John, you would call him Mr.
Finally, use respectful language like "please" and "thank you" and refer to others as "sir" or "ma'am.
" If your instructor asks you a question you should politely respond with "yes sir" or "yes ma'am.
" 3.
When and Where to Bow When you enter the dojo it is polite to bow at the front door.
This shows respect for the students, instructors, and the school.
It also reminds you immediately when you enter the building to take your training seriously and to show respect for yourself and others.
Generally, you will also bow before entering the training floor of the martial arts dojo.
At the beginning and end of most karate classes there is a traditional way to bow in and bow out, or greet or thank your instructor.
Different styles of martial arts and different schools follow different protocol when it comes to beginning and ending a training session, so when you join a martial arts school, just ask the instructor what protocol they follow there.
Look Your Instructor in the Eye When They Are Speaking to You This is another common courtesy whether you are in martial arts or not.
It is simply polite to look someone in the eye when they are speaking to you.
Not only does this help you to retain information better, but it shows them that you are engaged in the conversation and you are listening to what they are saying.
Raise Your Hand If you need to make a comment, ask a question, or be excused from class make sure you raise your hand.
Once again, this is just common courtesy for any class setting regardless of whether it is a karate class or not.
Interrupting the instructor or another student is just rude.
Appearance and Grooming Standards When you attend your class, make sure your karate uniform is clean, your karate belt is properly tied on, and your shirt is tucked in.
Show up looking clean.
Your hair should be well-kept, your face should be shaved (or facial hair should be well-groomed), your hands and feet should be clean and your fingernails and toenails trimmed.
Never chew gum or spit in a martial arts dojo.
You also need to maintain and show respect for your equipment.
It is normal for martial arts gear to get sweaty, so clean your karate equipment after using it.
This will keep it from getting smelly and also help it to last a lot longer.
There is certain etiquette involved with taking karate classes, so here is a little guide on some of the general "rule of thumb" proper etiquette observed in a typical karate dojo.
Why is Etiquette Important? First, why is etiquette important in the martial arts? One reason karate schools follow strict guidelines of etiquette and discipline is simply because it is part of the martial arts heritage; it is a tradition.
That being said though, there are some very practical reasons why karate instructors implement this into their curriculum.
Proper etiquette in class teaches discipline, respect, and courtesy.
It teaches students to have respect for themselves and for others.
Good etiquette also fosters pride in yourself and in your martial arts school.
What is Proper Etiquette? 1.
Don't Be Late You will notice that some of the proper etiquette for martial arts class is just proper etiquette and common courtesy in general.
When you are late to class it shows disrespect for the instructor and the other students in class.
It can also be disruptive to those who were on time and it is disruptive to your own training as well.
Sometimes though, being late is unavoidable.
So if you are late then ask for permission to enter the training floor.
Don't assume that you can just jump straight into class as soon as you walk in the door.
For your own safety and the safety of others you may have to wait a minute before you can join the class.
The instructor may also need to adjust partnering or the line-up to accommodate you depending on what is going on in the class at the time.
Just wait patiently by the edge of the training mat until you get permission to join in.
This will show respect for the instructor and the other students.
If you know in advance that you are going to be late to a class or that you will need to leave class early then let your instructor know.
This will allow them to plan and adequately prepare to accommodate the needs of you and the other students in that class to assure that you get the best training possible.
It also shows the instructor that you value their time and don't want to disrupt your training or anyone else's training.
Use Respectful Language When you attend karate class you will need to use respectful language.
Many times karate instructors will have a special title that you will call them by.
For example, your instructor may go by the title Master, or use a title for "master" in a different language like "Sensei" in Japanese or "Sabomnim" in Korean.
Make sure that you use the proper title when referring to your instructor.
It is also common courtesy in a martial arts dojo to use last name and title for your classmates and assistant instructors.
For example, instead of calling John Smith by the name of John, you would call him Mr.
Finally, use respectful language like "please" and "thank you" and refer to others as "sir" or "ma'am.
" If your instructor asks you a question you should politely respond with "yes sir" or "yes ma'am.
" 3.
When and Where to Bow When you enter the dojo it is polite to bow at the front door.
This shows respect for the students, instructors, and the school.
It also reminds you immediately when you enter the building to take your training seriously and to show respect for yourself and others.
Generally, you will also bow before entering the training floor of the martial arts dojo.
At the beginning and end of most karate classes there is a traditional way to bow in and bow out, or greet or thank your instructor.
Different styles of martial arts and different schools follow different protocol when it comes to beginning and ending a training session, so when you join a martial arts school, just ask the instructor what protocol they follow there.
Look Your Instructor in the Eye When They Are Speaking to You This is another common courtesy whether you are in martial arts or not.
It is simply polite to look someone in the eye when they are speaking to you.
Not only does this help you to retain information better, but it shows them that you are engaged in the conversation and you are listening to what they are saying.
Raise Your Hand If you need to make a comment, ask a question, or be excused from class make sure you raise your hand.
Once again, this is just common courtesy for any class setting regardless of whether it is a karate class or not.
Interrupting the instructor or another student is just rude.
Appearance and Grooming Standards When you attend your class, make sure your karate uniform is clean, your karate belt is properly tied on, and your shirt is tucked in.
Show up looking clean.
Your hair should be well-kept, your face should be shaved (or facial hair should be well-groomed), your hands and feet should be clean and your fingernails and toenails trimmed.
Never chew gum or spit in a martial arts dojo.
You also need to maintain and show respect for your equipment.
It is normal for martial arts gear to get sweaty, so clean your karate equipment after using it.
This will keep it from getting smelly and also help it to last a lot longer.