Health & Medical Nutrition

Shattering the Meat and Protein Myth ( Part 2 of 2 Parts)

Today, the World Health Organization and many experts in the field of human nutrition tell us that human beings only need 4.
5% protein in their diets for health and fitness, and overall well-being, and that plenty of protein can be sourced by plant foods alone.
After all, even oranges have 8% protein, Romaine lettuce 36% protein, and brown rice 8% protein.
The experts also tell us that animal protein is not superior to plant protein.
In fact, animal protein is related to many chronic, debilitating diseases that end life prematurely.
That is the animal protein alone in animal products.
Add fat, cholesterol, hormones, and antibiotics to the mix and that makes meat of all kinds less than the ideal food for human nutrition.
The infamous "Four Food Groups" is without a doubt the fattest food lie of them all that we were raised to believe and most of us still believe to this day.
Our government endorsed the "Four Food Groups.
"Our teachers taught it.
Remember in grade school those shiny, colorful posters and materials that displayed the "Four Food Groups?"Those materials were donated to the schools by the National Dairy Council.
Our doctors adamantly stood behind the "Four Food Groups.
" Our mothers were tickled with the "Four Food Groups.
" Why?Because that is exactly what they were already feeding their families.
They could now go to bed at night feeling comforted that they were feeding their families, and had always had been feeding their families, according to recommendations by all those smart experts and by the accepted cultural standard.
How were we to know that all of us had been duped?The very foods that had been intricately woven into our culture and our habits and our beliefs, and had been the law of the land for decades and decades, were some of the very foods that sabotage our health and our lives.
It was Adolf Hitler who said, "If you tell a lie long enough, it will be believed as truth.
" We have been told the tale of the infamous "Four Food Groups" for so long that we believe it as truth.
And because we have grown up with these foods, because we are so emotionally attached to these foods, and because they are so woven into our meals and our traditions, the last thing we want to do is give them up.
It is time to throw away the infamous four with which we were raised and contributed and still contribute to the premature disability, diseases, and death that strike so many of us.
It is time to embrace the real four food groups that are critical to our health, fitness, and lifelong well-being--whole fresh fruits, whole fresh vegetables, whole grains, and whole legumes.
By the way, remember those rat experiments close to 100 years ago, rats did grow faster when fed animal protein, but they also died quicker of chronic, degenerative diseases.
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