Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Diabetic Home Testing Using A Glucometer!

For patients who are newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, it may be difficult to understand how to check blood sugars at home.  Monitoring the blood sugar levels in between doctor's appointments is a key part of diabetic management.  To complete this task you will need the proper tools! A glucometer is a must!  This piece of equipment is used to measure blood sugar levels.  Patients who use their glucometer reguarly better understand how food and exercise patterns influence blood sugar levels.
To get started with your daily blood sugar monitoring you will need:
1. Glucometer: There are many different manufacturers of glucose meters. Overall these monitors all work similarly but often have different features that can appeal to a variety of patients. It is very important that patients read the instruction manual before use or ask your doctor to demonstrate how to use your glucose meter properly. If you cannot afford a meter, ask your doctor if he can sample a free glucose monitor to you!
2. Diabetic test strips:  These thin strips are used to absorb blood and are placed into the device to obtain your sugar level. Remember to purchase strips that are compatible with your glucometer. For example, a free Freestyle Lite glucometer will only work with freestyle products.  Be sure to check your instruction manual to verify that your supplies are correct! 
3. Lancets: The dreaded lancets are used to puncture the fingertip to get a blood sample for testing. There are several different types and some many be easier to use or more gentle than others.
4. Alcohol Prep Pads: Use these wipes to cleanse the test site prior to use in order to reduce the risk of infection.
5. Notebook: Use this to keep track of your blood sugar readings every day because it's a great way to accurately track diabetic diets that work. If you meter has a memory feature you may be able to store readings or download them to your personal computer.

Now that you have all of the proper supplies, testing is simple! 
Before you start, wash your hands with warm water and clean a fingertip with an alcohol prep pad. Some glucometers may allow you to use alternate testing sites. Allow the alcohol to dry and then pierce the skin with a new lancet. Apply blood to the test strip and insert into your machine. Follow the specific instructions for your particular meter to obtain the reading. Once the reading is ready, write it down in your blood sugar log and discard the lancet in a sharps disposal container.
Be sure to keep information about what to do for very high or extremely low sugar readings. Very abnormal readings may require action, so be sure to ask your doctor when to call or what to do if you have an abnormal result.
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